Vehicle Name STRF 9040 Vehicle Type infantry-fighting-vehicle Unveiled / Entered Service in 1991 Is In Service Introduction The Strf 9040 is the designation of the Swedish Armies Stridsfordon 90 (Swedish for Combat Vehicle 90). The 40 refers to the 40mm Bofors auto-cannon main gun. Over 50...
大佬们,瑞典strf..我目前已经决定开strv122b+,cv90120和ito90m这三条线,其余两条线我想只开一个。大佬们可以给点建议吗?听说瑞典的这个豹2a6 nl强度不是很高
瑞典Strf 9040步兵战车装备的博福斯L/70B 40毫米机炮射击时抛壳,一开始还以为在打诱饵[馋嘴]
步战车内卷仙人 Strf 9040C 这玩意儿贴吧风评不算好,但在我手里开起来比其他北约车好了两个汉堡王,偏流横行的时候掏出一台9040C爽的飞起 TA的6条回复 liny😁😁 4小时前 防空9040是它一辈子跨不过去的大山 I没心情想名字 4小时前 回复 liny😁😁 :防空型人多但是少了170穿,在10.3里也属于复活赛真...
Since its introduction in early 1998, the Strf 9040 was criticized for its lack of guided munitions against tanks; most IFVs like the Marder, the BMP-2, and the Bradley used ATGMs to engage heavily armoured targets. Thus, a demonstrator was ordered, using the Strf 9040A as a basis. ...
170钢针每发110银狮,近炸每发70银狮热门评论(undefined) 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 表情 发布 转生为永恒萝莉 2023年6月11日 还好不是900一发 我爱罗德酱Lovelove 2023年6月11日 话说你现在在家还是去旅游了?我记得你不是说要出国玩吗 哆啦A梦x64 UP :已经出去玩好几次了啊 我爱罗德酱...
机炮车是厉害啊,9040好像是6ap1.5he吧,射速好几百,射程还远但装甲车脆啊,一发橡树棍打侧面就能秒杀,一发155就能炸懵 来自Android客户端2楼2023-05-18 12:18 回复 Mareep 少校 9 这玩意可是最强的机炮重步战之一了,另外你这点东西肯定是绕后抄家得手了,打出这点战损分数还是很正常的。 来自Android客户端...
简介:载具:Strf 9040C步兵战车 BGM:澤野弘之 (さわ;更多战争雷霆实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的战争雷霆游戏知识,热门战争雷霆游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 137983、弹幕量 212、点赞数 4333、投硬币枚数 281、收藏人数 557、
The Strf 9040C is a modernized version of the Strf 9040, developed by BAE Systems Hägglunds in Sweden. Compared to the A and B versions, the Strf 9040C comes with a new turret with improved protection, enhancing the survivability and situational awareness of the crew. It was also ...
In the most recent updates, gaijin nerfed top attack or ofta missiles (tow 2b, and bill 2) so that they guide in a way similar to other missiles. The problem strf9056 is facing is that it no longer functions properly whe…