str2func是Matlab中的一个函数,其作用是将输入的字符串转换为一个函数句柄。函数句柄是指对一个函数的引用,我们可以通过句柄来调用该函数。str2func函数可以帮助我们动态地创建和使用函数,使得我们可以在运行时根据需要选择执行不同的函数。 str2func函数的语法 str2func函数的语法非常简单,只需要一个输入参数,即要转换的...
对于MATLAB中的str2func函数,它的作用是将字符串转换为可执行的函数句柄。在使用该函数时,需要注意传入的字符串是否合法,否则会导致转换失败。另外,使用函数句柄时需要注意该句柄不支持修改原函数内容。 以下是str2func函数的使用示例: 假设我们有两个变量a和b,现在我们要将它们相加并输出结果,可以使用以下代码实现: a...
c ='ones'; fh = str2func(c) fh =function_handle with value:@ones fh(1,5) ans =1×51 1 1 1 1 Convert Character Vector to Handle to Anonymous Function Convert a character vector that represents an anonymous function to a function handle. Workspace variables are not available to thestr2fu...
就是to的意思,其实不光matlab,比如我们常说的B2C就是代表business to custom,这是一种英语常用代指法
function_handle = str2func(function_name); current_directory = cd; cd(function_file_path); [varargout{1:nargout}] = function_handle(options.function_inputs{:}); cd(current_directory); end While I am able to runevaluate_function_out_of_pathlocally without is...
참고 항목 MATLAB Answers Why am I getting an error "vectors must be the same length" 3 답변 str2func operation 1 답변 Find Derivative of Numeric Function 1 답변 카테고리 MATLAB Language Fundamentals Data Types Characters ...
c ='ones'; fh = str2func(c) fh =function_handle with value:@ones fh(1,5) ans =1×51 1 1 1 1 Convert Character Vector to Handle to Anonymous Function Convert a character vector that represents an anonymous function to a function handle. Workspace variables are not available to thestr2fu...
c ='ones'; fh = str2func(c) fh =function_handle with value:@ones fh(1,5) ans =1×51 1 1 1 1 Convert Character Vector to Handle to Anonymous Function Convert a character vector that represents an anonymous function to a function handle. Workspace variables are not available to thestr2fu...
c ='ones'; fh = str2func(c) fh =function_handle with value:@ones fh(1,5) ans =1×51 1 1 1 1 Convert Character Vector to Handle to Anonymous Function Convert a character vector that represents an anonymous function to a function handle. Workspace variables are not available to thestr2fu...
c ='ones'; fh = str2func(c) fh =function_handle with value:@ones fh(1,5) ans =1×51 1 1 1 1 Convert Character Vector to Handle to Anonymous Function Convert a character vector that represents an anonymous function to a function handle. Workspace variables are not available to thestr2fu...