当Python解释器尝试调用一个对象的属性或方法时,如果找不到对应的名称,就会抛出一个 AttributeError。在这个例子中,由于 'endwith' 不是字符串对象的一个有效方法,因此会抛出 'str' object has no attribute 'endwith' 的错误。 提供修改建议或示例代码: 要修复这个错误,你应该将 'endwith' 改为'endswith'。下...
Endswith() method raises exception "AttributeError: 'str', I'm trying to use the library discord.py to create a "faction bot". The create command of my bot raises the exception AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'value'. Here is my cod Tags: endswith method ra...
出现'str' object has no attribute 'decode'错误。如图所示:
16.AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'startwith' 试图访问对象中没有的属性(方法),一般是属性拼写错误,或者对象真没有我们想要的属性(方法)。出错信息一般会提示我们如何修改。 s = "abcd" print(s.startwith("abc")) # startswith 拼写成了startwith 我们可以通过dir查看某个对象的属性。 s ...
这个为什么提示'str'objecthasnoattribute'nb=[]for i in G.nodes():a.append(***.degree(i))total=0#for nb in G.neighbors(i): # 这里的nb和全局变量 nb = [] 同名了吧,改一下呢for j in G.neighbors(i):#total=total+***.degree(nb) #这里应该变成j吧total += ***.degree(j)nb.appen...
The Python AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute occurs when we try to access an attribute that doesn't exist on string objects.
The Python "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'strftime'" occurs when we try to call thestrftime()method on a string instead of a datetime object. To solve the error, call the method on adatetimeobject or convert the string to one before callingstrftime. ...
Python“AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'” 发生在我们对已经从字节解码的字符串调用decode()方法时。 要解决该错误,请移除对decode()方法的调用,因为字符串已被解码。 下面是一个产生上述错误的示例代码 my_str ='hello world'# ⛔️ AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribut...
当我们尝试对字符串而不是列表调用remove()方法时,会出现 Python“AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'remove'”。 要解决该错误,需要在列表上调用remove()方法,或者在尝试从字符串中删除字符时使用replace()方法。 下面是一个产生上述错误的示例代码 ...
How to make Python report that a string object has no attribute ‘digits’ Confusing Yourself – the easy way Today I was working on a little piece of code which I hadn’t originally written and which looked something like this :