在Python中,’str’对象没有’apply’这个属性,所以当你尝试调用它时,会抛出’AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘apply’’的错误。这个错误通常出现在使用pandas库时,特别是当试图对DataFrame或Series对象使用’apply’方法时。以下是一些解决这个问题的建议: 检查数据类型:确保你正在尝试调用’apply...
python pandas if-statement {I的国家/地区的国家/地区的新号码,以一个国家/地区的国家/地区为基础,以一个新的国家/地区代码为基础。我知道可能有一个Python库来完成这项工作,但现在我想理解为什么我会收到错误消息“'str'object has no attribute'str','occurrent at index 0'” 我确实试图确保phone_number列...
I am using 1.6.0 version The WSDL I am using Inspect WSDL file Example script that I used Payload generated by zeep Payload generated by suds Hi, this is a follow up on this closed issue. The original issue has been solved. I am able to ...
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'realpath'. However, using the filenamemain('test.txt')works properly provided that the file is located in
input_image = self.transform.apply_image(image) File "d:\Code\segment-anything\segment_anything\utils\transforms.py", line 30, in apply_image target_size = self.get_preprocess_shape(image.shape[0], image.shape[1], self.target_length) AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'shape'...
rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.py", line 100, in _execute_wrapper ret = self._get_oracle_error_info(e) File "/usr/share/rhn/server/rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.py", line 200, in _get_oracle_error_info return (e.code, e.message, self.sql) AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '...
AttributeError:'str‘对象没有属性’str‘ 、、 同时,我有一些朋友使用完全相同的脚本,但没有得到这个错误。有谁知道出了什么问题吗?dumpAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decompressUnknownOriginalSize' 如果您需要更多信息,请让我知道。
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get' in django I'm having this error while connecting my Django project with Zoho Books via API. From the first function, page will redirect to another URL on that URL an Authorization Code will be there in URL parameter ...
AttributeError:'str‘对象没有属性'str’ 、、 然而,它让我错误地说了"str" object has no attribute "str".注:我是刚接触python的人,所以请提供解释。],My函数: return x.str.rep 浏览1提问于2019-01-15得票数 1 回答已采纳 2回答 在numpy python中,"AttributeError:‘矩阵’对象没有属性'isocalendar'...
'str' object has no attribute 'decode' 查找原因: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29030725/str-object-has-no-attribute-decode You cannot decode string objects; they arealreadydecoded. You'll have to use a different method. You can use thecodecs.decode()functionto applyhexas a codec: ...