typeerror: str expected, not nonetype 文心快码BaiduComate 在Python中遇到“TypeError: str expected, not NoneType”这个错误,通常意味着某个函数或操作期望得到一个字符串(str)类型的参数,但实际上却收到了一个NoneType类型的值。这种错误经常发生在变量未正确初始化或函数返回了None值,而后续代码又试图对这个值...
测试程序出现错误TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType,网上综合参考了各种解决方案,最终都是Path出现问题了,可能是你的路径忘记添加进去了。 Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 120, in <module> for i, test_data in enumerate(test_loader): File ...
如上所示,更改之前save_path=None,所以会报错,这种错误多半出现在运行开源代码时出现。 而报错的地方在需要用到路径的地方。
当使用Python 3.7.2和PyInstaller 3.4时,会出现“TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType”错误,解决办法是直接修改venv/Lib/site-packages/PyInstaller/depend/bindepend.py文件,添加 ifis_winand'VERSION.dll'indlls:pydll='python%d%d.dll'%sys.version_info[:2]ifpydllinPYDYLIB...
一、环境: 系统:win7 版本:Python 3.7.2 (32位) 二、问题: 利用Pyinstaller封装exe 时, 报错:TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType 如下图: 三、解决方法: 1.这
filename = None # ⛔️ TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() print(lines) We passed a None value for the filename to the open() function which caused the error. ...
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType Someone else also opened a question like this: #6874 Member Burhan-Q commented Dec 8, 2023 @sarpx if you're receiving that error, then something else is wrong your may need to update the installed version of Ultralytics...
问题现象:TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType python3 examples/models/llama3/convert_quant_weights.py --model_path /workspce/modelzoo/llama3-70b/ --save_directory /workspce/modelzoo/llama3-70b-w4a16 --w_bit 4 --a_bit 16 --w_sym True --mm_tensor False...
我试图在 Pycharm 中运行此代码,但出现以下错误: TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType 这适用于 Windows 10,在 Pycharm、python 3.7 上运行 import os import time file_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "birth_day_lookup.txt") def check_birthday(): lookup...
pyinstaller打包报错:expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。