分离全部对象:只有一个日志文件和所有零件、组件模型文件(保存所有prt、asm扩展名的零件) 当搜索”ap214”时,默认设置值为“single_file”,更改为separate_parts_only时,对应导STP格式文件时,文件结构就对应成仅分离部件。 以Creo为例,文件-选项-数据交换/保存副本-stp-选项 2、副本STP文件创建原始三个基准平面 背...
分离全部对象:只有一个日志文件和所有零件、组件模型文件(保存所有prt、asm扩展名的零件) 当搜索”ap214”时,默认设置值为“single_file”,更改为separate_parts_only时,对应导stp格式文件时,文件结构就对应成仅分离部件。 以Creo为例,文件-选项-数据交换/保存副本-stp-选项 6 2、副本STP文件创建原始三个基准平面...
like SolidWorks, CATIA, Creo, NX, Solid Edge, and Autodesk Inventor, have an option to save CAD parts and assemblies into the STP file format. This feature may be optional in CAD programs, and users may need additional licenses or purchase a higher version of the software to export to ST...
The Creo model looks as if it also displays some surfaces that you might have used in NX to create the model ? . NX and Creo works quite different, NX "doesn't mind" having multiple support surfaces , solids etc in th...
I have created dimensions in creo for a prt and successfully exported step files using AP242 protocol and I able to see dimension both in creo file and step file (refer dimensions.jpg) I want to read dimension from creo and stp file and below is the logic and apis used to get dimension...
耀.Tattoo_siping😈: Maya里Windows---settings/PReferences---plUG-inmanager,然后,把obj后面的两个空格都打勾.然后再导出obj就可以了 Wengxiu邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (1) CREO2.0转CAD字码乱,如何处理,谢谢? 共1条回答 > Amor: 1、用Proe默认的font字体转CAD是会乱码的。解决办法有二种,一是将文...
Glovius is a modernSTEP/STP viewer. With Glovius, viewSTEP (.step, .stp) filesand measure, section, analyze, compare, and convert them. Glovius supports CATIA, NX, STEP, STP, IGES, IGS, JT, Pro/ENGINEER and Creo, SOLIDWORKS, Inventor, and Solid Edge parts and assemblies. ...
Rhino导Pro-e零件不独立 Rhino怎么旋转零件 Rhino怎么移动零件 SW 打开stp 零件模板 UG装配体stp怎么编辑零件 CREO装配体导成stp怎么成为一个零件 CAD怎么导零件清单 Rhino怎么打开单独零件 为您找到1500条“Rhino导stp文件零件不独立”相关问题3DMax溜溜文件导 共1条回答 > 盖盖: 放鸽子盖被子比你北5 夏日的...
interface : exporttype=STEP file = fileName (opt - filename = stepfileName) Pretty simple thing to do. Probably worth looking at the CREOPYSON version first. Dave 0Kudos Reply Notify Moderator MartinHanak 24-Ruby III (To:Ed13) Jan 31, 202001:29 PM ...
如果实在是必须导出STEP的话,针对破面,我建议您回到三维part文件里面进行修改,再导出 试一试,以前搞CAE也没少受这个醉 追问: 没有原文档,只有一个STP的,明天早上上传,帮我看看,真心顶不住。http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=3324759712&uk=975318760 提问不能上传附件,这是我的百度盘 你进去帮我看看...