PLAN IT TRY AGAIN Redesign your vessel based on your observations! THINK ABOUT IT Did your boat have any challenges? What caused those challenges? What would you change if you were to build it again? How will your boat stay afloat? What will move it foward? Is your design made for the...
Invite students to share their finished books with the class. Read the books together, and have students show and describe their illustrations! Viewthe preschool–kindergarten lesson plan. (Includes all printable materials.)
The developed DSIPA lesson plan was used for guiding the six-week learning activities. A digital wellbeing scale with 5-point Likert scale was used. MANOVA analysis, with a 0.05 level, revealed significant difference for digital wellbeing between DSIPA and DSITF. Students who learnt with DS...
experiments. So plan ahead. “ I went up to West Point to do a story there,” Smith says, “ and I asked everything like, ‘ There’ s some sort of reveille, right? What time does that happen? Where does it happen? What do they do there? They fire off a cannon? Where ...
Ideally, your character will have a clear goal as well as a lesson they must learn to live a better life. It’s more realistic and satisfying if a character doesn’t necessarily get what they want, but, as the Rolling Stones sing, gets what they need. Create irreversible consequences. ...