Storybook on react native is a normal React Native component that can be used or hidden anywhere in your RN application based on your own logic. You can also create a separate app just for storybook that also works as a package for your visual components. Some have opted to toggle the sto...
Storybook is an open source tool for building UI components and pages in isolation. It streamlines UI development, testing, and documentation. —— Storybook 近两年,WEB团队的React项目一直在使用开源工具Storybook作为开发、维护和展示组件的辅助平台。在使用过程中,我们发现Storybook作为一种相当不错媒介,有...
One of the biggest changes to core Storybook since React Native diverged is the switch to a more declarative configuration format using main.js and preview.js files. To align with core Storybook, React Native Storybook now also uses this format. In the main.js file, provide a glob in the ...
javascript react-native storybook 1个回答 0投票 Storybook 是一个工具,您可以通过不同的方式使用它。 一些团队将其用作 UI 组件的“视觉单元测试”形式。 其他人则更多地使用它来展示组件,因此他们的队友拥有一个记录良好的可重用小部件库(每个小部件都有自己的故事)。 正如他们的官方网站所说: Storybook 是一...
要将React Native Storybook构建到web,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确保你已经安装了React Native Storybook,并且已经创建了你的Storybook项目。 在项目根目录下创建一个新的文件夹,用于存放构建后的web应用。 在终端中进入到你的Storybook项目根目录,并执行以下命令安装必要的依赖: ...
React Native Storybook 8. Its defining feature is an overhauled responsive UI that’s optimized for phone and tablet, since that’s where RN developers spend the most time. What’s more, RN and Web Storybooks now share enough code that we’re planning to keep RN up to date in the ...
我正在运行React Native Storybook,它在本地模拟器中运行Storybook。 除了当前React Native Storybook的工作方式外,我还想构建一个Web实例作为我们应用程序的参考伴侣。 我正在使用"@storybook/react-native": "5.3.14"。我的stories位于./storybook。- Elise Chant1个回答 4 在项目根目录中从npm安装react-native-we...
目前社区上,最好的,支持React Native的Living Style Guide工具是getstorybook,本文我们就一起来看看如何用这个工具构建一个Living Style Guide(以iOS模拟器为例)。 安装getstorybook,步骤非常简单,只需要运行命令 npm i getstorybook --save-dev 运行getstorybook, ...
正常情况下分别启动这两个工具后,再启动你的RN项目就可以跑起来(在真机或者模拟器上)。但是当我启动完 storybook 后,启动 haul 的时候,命令行报错 8081 端口已占用。原因是 storybook 启动后,RN的命令行工具 react-native-cli 将 webServer 部署到了 8081。
CSS-In-JS Styled Components Emotion Styled JSX Animation Popmotion React Motion React Spring React Transition Group React Native Reanimated UI Development Tools Storybook React Styleguidist React Cosmos Framer X UI Toolkits Material Design Bootstrap React Native For Web UI Components Downshift Design Syst...