A. The order should be: rocks, pebbles, sand. B. Pebbles represent things like your job, house, or car. C. Because the writer wants to use the story to teach us time management. D. Sand represents the “small stuff”. E. Rocks represent the important things.According to the story, ...
This book has taught me that we need to be intentional about our lives and make sure we are putting the big rocks first. Otherwise, we'll end up with a jar full of pebbles and sand and wonder where all the important thingswent. 中文翻译: 我刚刚读完《大石头的故事》,哇,真的让我大开...
12/19/2024 by Rachel Carrington Red Shirts Always Die William Shatner's famous cameo in one comedy film should be talked about more 12/19/2024 by Chad Porto Red Shirts Always Die The Quiet Revolution of The Defenders: TV’s First Legal Drama with a Conscience ...
you’d a hit the moon sand box hard the sky woulda snowed your hitting and lo with a wrongheaded joy for broken fathers and fathers of fathers passed out in wet hoppes fields for you and you I sing I am a river man I am a snowshoe man I am a pulping man I have come from the ...
引导语:《沙丘的故事》这篇安徒生童话非常长,语言优美而情节沉重,表达了作者对莫测宿命的无力质问与有些消极的美好希望。下面是中英文版本的,我们一起来学习。 这是尤兰岛许多沙丘上的一个故事,不过它不是在那里开始的,唉,是在遥远的、南方的西班牙发生
引导语:《沙丘的故事》这篇安徒生童话非常长,语言优美而情节沉重,表达了作者对莫测宿命的无力质问与有些消极的美好希望。下面是中英文版本的,我们一起来学习。 这是尤兰岛许多沙丘上的一个故事,不过它不是在那里开始的,唉,是在遥远的、南方的西班牙发生
gardensandthegracefulMoorishpalaceswithgoldencupolasandcoloredwalls. Childrenwalkinprocessionthroughthestreets,carryingtorchesandwavingbanners, whilehighabovethemstarssparkleinthecleararchingvaultofheaven.Songand castanetscanbeheardyoungmenandgirlsdanceundertheblossomingacacias,while ...
relievedthemonotonyofthewhitesand.Acoupleofneighborsappeared,andall helpedinpullingtheboatshigheruponthesandyshore,whilethewindsteadily strengthenedandblewbitinglycold.Whentheyreturnedacrossthedunesthewaves wereliftingtheirwhitecaps;sandandsharppebbleswerebeatingintotheirfaces, andthewindcutoffthetopridgesofsomeofthedun...
in changing and varied colors. The delicate young leaves filled the air with refreshing odor. Merrily rippled the clear brooks and rivulets between the green, velvety rushes, and over the many-colored pebbles beneath. All nature spoke of abundance and plenty. The cuckoo sang, and the lark car...
He left the house, and sand and pebbles whirled around him and beat into his face. He went toward the church, where the sand lay drifted up against the wall and half covered the windows. The church door was unlocked and easy to open; Jörgen went in. The wind raged and howled over...