Mahatma Gandhi story is a short tale of the ‘Father of our Nation,’ and how he conquered his fears to pave a novel of path of non-violence or ahimsa. The story begins with Gandhi's childhood and then trails towards his university days in South Africa where he experienced racism, and ...
Some might argue that the items of bad news cited above are merely "bumps on the road" toward lasting peace, as Mozambicans of all stripes learn to resolve problems through dialogue and democratic competition. But a deeper look at Mozambique's political and economic situation suggests a b...
Once the story crystalizes, problems are much harder to correct. Whole plotlines are built on top of shaky foundations, and we’re often attached to elements that aren’t working. At that point, every change requires heavier revisions and is subject to more constraints. To help you make the ...
Commercial product backed by knowledgeable and responsive support.JNBridge’s technical support helped Graebel resolve problems quickly — an important benefit over internally developed code or an open source alternative that they rejected as too difficult to implement. “Instead of spending weeks troublesh...
THE eSTORY: UNDERTAKING THE MOBILITY CHALLENGE BREAKTHROUGH ALTERNATIVES TO LEAD THE CHANGE WITH FORMULA E Sustainable Development fueled by innovation Section 1 – The eStory: Undertaking the Mobility Challenge 2 Contents – The eStory: Undertaking the Mobility Challenge CONTENTS Welcome Section I. A...
Greenberg shows us vividly that psychiatry's biggest problem may be a stubborn reluctance to admit its immaturity. And we all know how things go when you won't admit your problems. Author information Authors and Affiliations David Dobbs writes for publications including The New York Times and Na...
The given policies of entering for GATT/WTO forced MIT products to compete in both home and abroad markets with products from other countries. After ups and downs, the root to all these problems finally emerged--- how to reshape Taiwan's product image. And this was the beginning of the ...
The Gambia, with a population of about 2 million and the most densely populated country in West Africa, has been overstrained with maternal ill-health problems and is among the countries in Africa with the highest levels of maternal mortality, currently at unacceptable rate of 289 per 100,000...
A world in conflict seems unlikely to mobilize itself quickly and unable to respond to critical problems such as climate change and the end of cheap oil. Therefore, only with greater equity can we expect to live peacefully, and only with greater compassion can we expect to live sustainably....
The Wazoku platform is used in several of ABB’s divisions as a one-stop solution for innovation. Employees across the group can use the platform to capture ideas, suggest process improvements, run awards, and co-create with customers in secure connected communities. While divisions use the ...