A special delivery from the city has arrived, with a new look for every season Customise your character with the following four outfits - Spring Cow-digan Look udderly adorable - Summer Raincoat Be shower-chic in any storm - Autumn Aviator Jacket You ca
STORY OF SEASONS: A Wonderful Life - Pumpkin Patch Costume Global player ratings 3.00Average rating 3 stars out of 5 stars from 2 ratings 2 ratings 50% 0% 0% 0% 50% Game and Legal Info Celebrate the spooky season by dressing up as this hero of Halloween!
It’s wonderful, living life to the fullest extent—something you can do in this farming slash life simulationStory of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.Developed and published byMarvelous Inc.,this remake of the 2003 GameCube title of asimilar namehas players take on the role of a young main chara...
Life on the farm is pretty par for the course. To accommodate the structure of the game’s story, each season inA Wonderful Lifelasts just 10 days. For some crops, that might mean you get one shot at growing it a season. For players who like to maximize their farm’s potential, there...
Here are some tips and tricks for STORY OF SEASONS: A Wonderful Life; an entry in the franchise that's quite different from the rest.
A Wonderful Life, or A Terrible Remake? - What is the value of a remake? That's something we found ourselves asking as we played Story of Seasons: A Wonderfu...
The seasons in A Wonderful Life are super short, which means planting in the right season is super important. You can't actually plant seeds that are fully out of season, but if you plant it at the end of its growing period, it will grow a bit, then wither and ...
How to Adopt a Cat in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life You will only be able to adopt a cat inStory of Seasons: A Wonderful Lifeduring the Autumn season of your second year.A feat you can accomplish by, once the season starts,simply heading to your farm at around noon (11 to 12...
Here we are nearly 20 years later in June 2023,. Marvelous is launching the heart-warming game’s remake: Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.
Whether this is your first STORY OF SEASONS adventure or you're returning to Forgotten Valley, a wonderful life awaits you." We're excited to see how the new game compares to the original! If you played the original version of the video game, let us know your thoughts about the new la...