For example, Phoenix Village is completely populated by bird people. Larger cities tend to be more diverse. Sidereal City is home to many different kinds of animal-people. Generally, the people of Fabelore acknowledge one another’s animal attributes, but they don’t place too much significance...
It is no coincidence that we have referred to Sachal Studios Orchestra as a phoenix. Just like the mythical bird that was reborn in the ashes, so was Pakistan’s classical music. See, the 1970s brought to the country a heavy authoritarian regime. The military dictator Zia-ul-Haq took reig...
As the end-Permian mass extinction wiped the slate clean, the age of reptiles had begun. But some of our mammal ancestors survived. Rising like a phoenix from the ashes were, amongst others, the dicynodonts, whose faces combined tusks and a beak. One particularly successful group, possibly ...
It was said that if one of these goddesses appeared before an army going into battle, the army would be defeated. The mythological bird called the phoenix combined images of birth and death to become a powerful symbol of eternal rebirth. According to Egyptian legend, the phoenix burned up ...
Bird of ParadiseDendrobiumWeeping GrassFor a change, we need to get all the chests. Go north at the first fork, then west at the next and you'll see a chest on the left. Follow the path to a fork and go west to find a chest IF can reveal and then go back to the fork and ...
Whether the "bird-worm" in the bird-worm seal script refers to bird and worm? "The elite of beasts is called Kylin, the elite of birds is called phoenix, the elite of shelled creatures is called magic turtle...
Greater Phoenix has seen an influx of new, elegant restaurants. From celebrity chef concepts to local gems, indulge in the elevated flavors and character of the Sonoran Desert ingredients. Bacanorais an intimate space of 36 seats that sells out of their reservations monthly, and for good rea...
In chapter 59 ofJourney to the West(Xiyouji,西遊記, 1592),Princess Iron Fanuses her magic fan to blastSun Wukonginto the heavens (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 126). The book provides two conflicting figures as to its effectiveness, stating that the fan can blow a target a total of ...
Clockwork Phoenixfeatured story From the pages ofClockwork Phoenix 5 The Souls of Horses Beth Cato Ilsa knew the souls of horses, how they twined between her fingers as silky and strong as strands of mane, how even in death they ached to gallop across fields or melt lumps of sugar upon th...
From the pages ofClockwork Phoenix 5 Sabbath Wine Barbara Krasnoff Barbara Krasnoff reading from her short story “Sabbath Wine” at theNew York Review of Science FictionReadings on Feb. 2, 2016. “My name’s Malka Hirsch,” the girl said. “I’m nine.” ...