23 My Hollywood Story 24 On Thin Ice 25 Path of the Valkyrie 26 Ψ Psi 27 Queen in 30 days 28 Rage of the Titans 29 Sails in the Fog 30 Seduced by the Rhythm 31 Shadows of Saintfour 32 Shakespeare's Code 33 Sins of London 34 Song of the Crimson Nile 35 Sophie's Ten Wishes 36...
It is known that Yukina, with Keel's help, published two books called "The Red Shoe Parade" and "My Love Romance with a Frog". These are references to the songs with the same name. So far, the princess is the only protagonist of a main song from the Seven Deadly Sins series to ha...
Said Lucky Fruit automatically heals all of a Yoshi's life, even if the Yoshi is not supposed to like the fruit. Each world has four different levels to choose from; once a level is beaten, the player moves on to the next world without visiting the other three levels. This means to...
WikiMatrix 沃斯通克拉夫特在这一年里的一些经历,在后来被写入了她的童书《真实生活的原创故事(英语:Original Stories from Real Life)》(1788年)中。 Some of Wollstonecraft's experiences during this year would make their way into her only children's book, Original Stories from Real Life (1788). ...
Song of Time* Teri McLaren June 1996 Antiquities Dominaria Samor, Porros, Caelus Nin, Mishra, Beast of the Hours, Lesta, Aswi, Praden, Claria, Urza, Sh'Daran, Charga, Cheyne, Thedeso, Javin, Muni, Rij, Hadi, Zu (mentioned), Kalkuk, Riolla Hifrata, Maceo, Doulos, Ogwater Rifkin...
The boys meet Istus, the goddess of fate. Istus preemptively grants them a few moments in the future to make a critical decision and joyfully, tearfully declares that they're "going to be amazing." Paloma advises Taako that there is always a third option. ...
Across the galaxy, the Eleventh Doctor and Rory Williams are assembling an army to fight the battle that lies ahead, whilst in Stormcage, River Song prepares to escape for what may be the last time. For this is the battle of Demon's Run. On this day, the Doctor will rise higher than...
Kravitz: My friend, I think this one’s gonna take.Magnus: Well, let’s hope so for your sake, I don’t want you getting in trouble with the boss.Griffin: And the two of you drift away for a while, and then we see the two of you in the astral plane, and you’re standing ...
Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more. The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno...
Einos (NPC) Male 30 Forest of Life, Forest of Life, Palace Banquet Hall, Rune Temple Pavilion, Rune Temple 3F Einos (NPC) Male 30 Forest of Life Einos (NPC) Male 30 Starlight Expedition HQ Einos and Pathos (NPC) Male 30 Unknown Eisley (NPC) Male 10 Decor Haven Eka (NPC) Female...