you will go home thinking that 1) God, in His authority and sovereignty, ordained your abuse–either for your good, for the good of others, or as judgment for your sin, and 2) No one outside of the church can offer you anything...
they would be fined. Of course, we didn’t have any money to fine anybody with. But that was because there were so many of these blues bands around, all copping on that. And while I really liked the stuff for singing, I can’t sing that. I had to find my own way...
Everything seems to shimmer, the chords’ outlines as hazy as a mirage, as Sioux bellows her way through a tale as ominous (“Take them by the legs/And throw them down the stairs”) as it is entrancing. –Philip Sherburne Listen: Siouxsie and the Banshees, “Spellbound” Soft Cell: “...
I had been writing songs since I learned to play basic chords on the guitar at 16, but was a closet songwriter. My songs were, I thought, melodically strong in parts, and a couple worked well all the way through. However, like many budding songwriters, most of my early efforts were l...
The conceptswould strike familiar chordsto thoseofthe Diasporabrought up in an atmos-phere pervaded by Greek culture.It is time to question the idea that paganswereprimarilyresponsible for reshaping or misshapingthe Biblical Exodus forpolemicalpurposes. On the contrary.Few of them would have had ...
Life became magnificent in the kingdom of Special Things when the wizards shoveled the snow that was yellow lemon-drop flavored. It startled the gorgimera that ate most of the wizards of the coast. Riots consumed the ham and mayo. Chance and chaos , those loveable twins, play .500-level ...
And I identify with it so much.’ Hearing him sing about Mom and Dad and Grandpa Joe, these personal family issues, in a really heartbreaking kind of innocent, childlike way, over these straightforward chords in a major key. But then the distortion kicks in, and he starts screaming. Shit...
“[My parents] didn’t encourage anything. All of what I’ve done has been in spite of my parents,” she said, detailing how she first lived in her family’s basement and attic at age 12, before running away from home at 14. “That’s why one of the first songs I wrote with ...
three-chord songs. My albums are all two-, three-chord songs. I know for a young band, if they need some material, my stuff is kind of good for them, because it doesn’t have a lot of chords. It’s all right there. Maybe that’s why people like it, because it’s so simple....