少儿圣经故事:摩西的故事Story of Moses(6) ??逾越节的夜晚! 一个多么值得纪念的晚上! 对于许多年龄象你们这么大的以色列孩子来说,这是他们一生中最兴奋的一夜。那么,在这半夜中行进的浩浩荡荡的队伍中都有谁呢?有 二百万以色列人:老年人,青年人的,小孩子,和婴儿,他们组成了一个浩浩荡荡的行进大军, 在逾越节...
少儿圣经故事:摩西的故事Story of Moses(1) Link: What a wicked, sinful heart Pharoah had to want to murder a little baby! You and I would never do that, would we? To kill a baby before it is born, after it is born, when it grows to be a child like you, or a grown up like m...
They all complained and blamed Moses and Aaron for bringing them out of Egypt. We wish we had died in the land of Egypt! Did the Lord bring us out here to kill our wives and children with the sword?Then they said, Let us make a captain and go back to Egypt. 民数记第14章1节说:...
God instructed Moses to take come of the manna and put it in a special container. This would be a reminder to future generations of Gods care for His people. Our lesson today ends with Exodus 16:35, And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years... Every morning for the next ...
] [Moses IndexColoringCraftsPuzzlesRecipes] [Songs] [Worksheets Children's Version The Israelites had been traveling in the desert for about 3 months (which is a little longer than regular summer holidays) when they came to Mount Sinai. They were going to stay there for a while plus they ha...
Testament: The Story of Moses: With Charles Dance, Clarke Peters, Avi Azulay, Dominique Tipper. Explore the life of Moses, his journey from outcast and murderer to prophet and liberator of the Hebrews from Egyptian oppression.
Children's Version When Moses and his brother Aaron got to Egypt the Lord told them what to do. He said, "Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the Israelites go. He will be very stubborn and it will take many signs and miracles before he will let you go; but everyone will know that...
- Expulsion of Adam and Eve. - Noah and the Great Flood - The Tower of Babel - God’s Promise to Abraham - Jacob and Esau, Sons of Isaac - The Story of Joseph - The Story of Moses - In the Promised Land - Birth of Jesus ...
- Expulsion of Adam and Eve. - Noah and the Great Flood - The Tower of Babel - God’s Promise to Abraham - Jacob and Esau, Sons of Isaac - The Story of Joseph - The Story of Moses - In the Promised Land - Birth of Jesus ...