The kids are surprised. But its true! Story02:Grandmas Moving Day The day had come. Grandma was moving out of her big house. I was sad. I had a lot of memories in that house. I asked where Grandma was moving to. My dad just said, Somewhere nearby. Dont worry. But I was worried...
Our collection of kids' books are colourful & engaging, and are a great way for kids to learn and improve their imagination. Shop our story book range today.
When we consider people who have had a positive impact on the world, we often think of those who have made grand gestures to improve the lives of others, such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Greta Thunberg, or Mahatma Gandhi. Unfortunately, that type of effort is out of reach for the aver...
It’s easy to conclude that every young person is at risk of becoming a narcissist but I’d like to stand up for the thousands of young kids I have worked with who are caring, thoughtful and humble — even when they use their strengths.1. Which of the following opinions may the write...
Joey zipped by at the very last second. In the end, Jim and I shared second place. 2-3 A Simple Man Mahatma Gandhi was a simple man who did great things. He led his country to independence. And the way he did it was amazing! He did not believe in violence. He did not believe ...
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa —Hundreds of blacks today laid siege to an Indian settlement founded by Mahatma Gandhi, where defending Asian vigilantes opened fire with shotguns and boosted the death toll in four days of riots near Durban to at least 55. ...
“Bonfire,” Nanjundaswamy said with a smile. “From the French origin. Good fire.” The farmers formed a ring around the flames and shouted up to Cargill, in the south Indian language of Kannada, the historic slogan of Gandhi’s freedom struggle: “Tolagi India!” Quit India. ...