Few consider how food and language can become entangled when relocating to a different part of the world, or even another state within the United States. I encountered a significant shift when I relocated from the southern state of Georgia to the northern state of Connecticut. Growing up, South...
Consider the story of Abraham Lincoln who managed to become American President even though he suffered many setbacks and personal losses. Most of us only realize the success of his becoming President. ___. His life was not an easy one. His story is one that motivates us to keep moving...
Sarah, and his nephew, Lot, to a land God would show him. They traveled about 400 miles from Haran to Shechem in Canaan, now Nablus in West Bank of Israel, but Abraham didn’t settle there.
II. The Story of the Ancestors of Israel - Terah. These are the descendants of Terah. Terah begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran, and Haran begot Lot. Haran
Mike relates the story of Wilson, who plays professional baseball and has prospects to be in the major leagues, and David, who must keep his amateur sports status to be eligible for a college scholarship and stays at home on the farm. Matt and Mike discuss the ethical implications of the ...
This, and the narrative had a hold on me from start to finish. When we learn at the end that Ruth, was King David's great grandma it helps to know we're watching a story that's set in a time just over one millennium before the first coming of Jesus Christ. ...
An episode where Dewey and Vanessa sound a lot like Danny Trejo and Lance Henriksen. Aquadonk Side Pieces EP1The Return of Handbanana A perverted presence from the past reappears to re-assault Carl. EP2The Broodwrap The devilish deli meat demon returns, wrapped in a new cloak of roasted to...
29 So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived. Lot and His Daughters 30 Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was a...
God tells Abraham to depart his homeland for a land that he would show him, ensuring to "make of him a great nation, bless him, make his name great, bless those who blessed him, and curse "him" that curses him." Obeying God's call, Abraham brought his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot,...
Lot's wife and daughters stand in a stark opposition to Sarah. Their actions bring doom upon the families they represent and thwart the opportunity of their continuous growth comparable to the one experienced by Abraham's generation.Dziadosz, Dariusz...