And her gray eyes were so sharp and bright that Arachne could not meet her gaze. "Arachne," said the woman, "I am Athena, the godess of craft and wisdom, and I have heard your boast. Are you certain you still mean to say that you can spin and weave as well as I?" Arachne's ...
She disguised herself as an old woman (HINT: never challenge old women–it ends badly every single time) and goes to Have A Word with Arachne. Arachne, not having read the above hint, says Athena would lose a weaving contest between the two of them. This does not sit well with Athena,...
Ⅵ.阅读理解 Arachne was a young peasant girl who was well known for the beautiful tapestries(织锦)she wove.One day at a local fair(集市),she was busy working when a crowd gathered around.“What beautiful designs!”said the crowd.“Truly her tapestries are better than Athena’s...
By the classical period, many of these early gods and goddesses had been reduced to the role of attributes or aspects of the leading gods, much as the pantheon of Hindu gods are symbolic aspects of the main gods. So Pallas Athena is the representation of the goddess as a warrior and Athe...
&Athena ByCharlotte Thecreationandrecreationofman •Who(Prometheus)•How(takesomeoftheearthandkneadingitupwithwater,intheimageofGod)•What(uprightstatue,raisehisfacetoheavenandgazeonthestars)•Why???(justguess)Theonlygift:Protection:•Makeweaponstosubduetheanimals•Warmdwellingtobecomparatively...