一、《一小时的故事》(The Story of an Hour)的结构分析Setting(背景设置)Place(地点):故事主要发生在 Mrs. Mallard 的家中。这是从故事中的描述,如她在自己的房间等情节推断出来的。Time(时间):故事发生在一个小时内,从她得知丈夫去世的消息到最后发现丈夫未死而死去的这一个小时。并且从故事背景看,应该是 ...
Explore The Story of an Hour's setting and characters. Examine the protagonist and Brently Mallard, and learn the importance of the setting in Kate...
This resentment of marriage and its effects on her status corrupted Louise’s relationship with Brently as a man, and she cannot help the “monstrous joy” that overtakes at the thought of being free of him. His sudden reappearance at the end of the story leads to her death, which the d...
In The Story of an Hour, the characters are a man and 2 women who are friends. Josephine and Richards are trying to gently break the news to the other lady that her husband was dead. Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as...
“The Story of an Hour” Quotes She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms. Related Characters:Louise Mallard,Josephine ...
characters: Louise Mallard PDF Share Expert Answers Hover for more information. Amy Troolin, M.A. | Certified Educator Share Cite What is the message of "The Story of an Hour"? Did Kate Chopin have a similar life to Mrs. Mallard? Kate Chopin's tale "The Story of an Hour" c...
Unlock explanations and citations for this and every literary device in The Story of an Hour. Plus so much more...Get LitCharts A+ Already a LitCharts A+ member?Sign in! Related Characters: Louise Mallard, Brently Mallard Related Themes: Related Quotes: Previous Motifs Next Setting Ci...
Stories give us details, make us hate or love the characters, and built up the story until we get toThe Story of an Hour是一篇非常著名的短篇小说The Story of an Hour是一篇非常著名的短篇小说,作者凯特•肖邦叙述了女主人公Mrs. Mallard (Louise)在得知丈夫过世之后的一系列反应。课堂上,老师说已...
TheStoryofAnHour:Summary •AtJosephine’srepeatedrequest,Mrs.Mallardopensthedoorandgoesdownstairs.•Surprisingly,Mr.Mallardappearsatthedoor,alive.•Seeingherhusband,Mrs.Mallardscreams.Latersheissaidtodieofaheartattack—“ofjoythatkills.”Analysisofthestoryintermsofcharacter •Maincharacters:•1.Mrs....