The meaning of the Achilles heel concept derives from one of the many stories of Achilles in Greek mythology, which begins with Thetis' actions while Achilles is an infant. In the myth relating to his heel, which is not included in the Iliad, Thetis loves her son and does not want him ...
Agamemnon Boreas Galatea Menelaus Priam Ajax Cadmus Ganymede Midas Procrustes Alcestis Calliope Golden Fleece Minos Prometheus Amazons Callista Gorgons Minotaur Proteus Ambrosia Calypso Graces Muses Psyche Androcles Cassandra Hades Narcissus Pygmalion Andromache Cassiopeia Halcyone Nemean Lion Pyramus and...
Orestes in greek mythology, son to Agamemnon, spent his early years in exile after his father was dishonored and slain. Orestes came back to avenge his Father's honor and killed the perpetuators of this great misdeed. But he was not rewarded for this act of bravery and honor, instead ...
He said, “Oh Agamemnon, leader of men, may the gods grant your wish to destroy the magnificent city of Troy, and may all the Greeks return home safely in their black ships, but grant me this favour; free my daughter and accept in her place a gift of great treasure that I have ...
Reluctantly and full of dread, Odysseus went to the kingdom of the dead. While there, he met his dead mother, Anticlea, and the spirits of Agamemnon*, Achilles*, and other Greek heroes. Tiresias told Odysseus what to expect and do during the rest of his journey and after he returned ...
who persuaded his brother Agamemnon to amass an army and sailed across the Aegean sea to attack Troy. The greek army included the greatest warrior of all time___, and one of the most clever men of time___. Greek army included Achilles and Odysseus. The Trojan army included King___, hi...
Amsterdam Agamemnon (Issue 14: Winter 2005) Scratched Retina: Memento Mori (Issue 14: Winter 2005) Liturgy of the Opening of the Mouth for Breathing (Issue 14: Winter 2005) On the Misbehavior of Produce (Issue 14: Winter 2005) Karin C. Davidson Excerpt from The Peterson’s Field Gui...
“swift-footedAchilles“, “Diomedes of the great war cry“, “Hectorof the shining helm”, and “Agamemnonthe lord of men”) match the number of syllables in a hero’s name. This is why they are repeated regularly to the extent that they almost seem to become part of the characters’...
Some myths say that Helen's mother was Leda, the wife of King Tyndareus of Sparta*. Others name Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, as her mother. Helen had a sister Clytemnestra, who later became the wife of King Agamemnon* of Mycenae, and twin brothers Castor and Pollux, known as the ...
to track down Project Heracles and SPECTRE. Leiter explains to Bond the serious rift between MI6 and the CIA. The two agencies are not communicating, which could be an allusion to King Agamemnon’s quarrel with Achilles during the Trojan War. M plays the role of Aga...