灰姑娘的故事 The Story of Cinderella Two years ago, I read the fairy tale of Cinderella. Everybody knows Cinderella is treated badly by her stepmother and she is finally rescued by a prince. It seems such a wonderful story for girls, but now I realize that Cinderella is negative to life...
She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the sisters worebeauiful clothes and had funYou know what 13 mext. A good fairy turned Cinderella's old clothes into a beautiful dress. Cinderellawent to a party and a prince fell in love with her. Cinderella14 the party so quickly that ...
Cinderella left the party in such a h (4) that she left a glass shoe and the prince used that to find her. Finally, Cinderella and the prince got m (5) and lived happily ever after. That's one telling of the story, but the Cinderella fairy tale is found in many d (6) ...
Two years ago, I read the fairy tale of Cinderella. Everybody knows Cinderella is treated badly by her stepmother and she is finally rescued by a prince. It seems such a wonderful story for girls, but now I realize that Cinderella is negative to life, because she just waits for someone...
182-Cinderella in English Stories for Teenagers English Fairy Tales 11:12 183-The Merchant of Venice Story in English Stories for Teenagers English Fair 14:04 184-The Forest Cloaked Princess Story Stories for Teenagers English Fairy Tale 14:48 185-The Enchanted Princess Story Stories for Teen...
The stories 'Snow White','Little Red Riding Hood'and 'Cinderella'are from Grimms' Fairy Tales.《白雪公主》、《小红帽》和《灰姑娘》的故事都出自格林童话。 The Grimm brotherswere German writers.格林兄弟是德国作家。They col...
2a A fairy tale is an old, traditional story. Do you know what these 童话故事是古老、传统的故事。你知道这些童话故事 fairy tales are about? 是关于什么的吗? Sleeping Beauty 《睡美人》 Cinderella 《灰姑娘》 Little Red Riding Hood 《小红帽》 2b Read the first paragraph of Hansel and Gretel....
Do you remember the story of Cinderella? Cinderell a comes from Germany(德国). She is a character(人物) in a story from Grimm's Fairy Tales(《格林童话》). The Brothers Grimm started to collect(收集) fairy tales around 1810. Their first book came out in 1812. Why are German fairy ...
28923.【023】Princess Fairy Tales(Av499710771,P23) 29022.【022】Aladdin and the Magic Lamp(Av499710771,P22) 29121.【021】Jungle Book(Av499710771,P21) 29215.【015】Rumpelstiltskin(Av499710771,P15) 29314.【014】Frog Prince(Av499710771,P14) 29413.【013】Cinderella(Av499710771,P13) 29512.【012...
Finally,thePrinceandCinderellaweremarried.Theylivedhappilyeverafter ★SleepingBeauty Alongtimeagotherewasakingandqueenwhosaideveryday,"Ah,ifonlywehadachild,"buttheyneverhadone.Andfinallythequeenhadalittlegirlwhowassopretty.Thekingcouldnotcontainhisjoy,andorderedagreatfeast.Heinvitedtwelvewisewomen,butnotthe...