virtual read alouds to enjoy anytime, anywhere, and a virtual bookshelf where students can add their own stories, it’s easy to take your World Read Aloud Day
Become a one-to-one reading volunteer, get books to young families or support the Big Book Sale. You canvolunteer at Little Red Reading House and the Book Bank, and sign up forBig Book Saleopportunities. Read As a Family Take time for readalouds to build bonds and brains. Get resources...
This is an awesome way to connect young children directly to space and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education in a very real way. A child can follow along, holding the same book as it is read aloud by an astronaut from space. It makes the concept of space tra...
Picturebook read-alouds play an important role in primary grades. Despite the plethora of research on them, no empirical evidence was found on the way in which picturebook introductions shape student talk surrounding the read-aloud. Nonetheless, the introduction of a picturebook is a critical ...
I began to read and read. Just when I could tell he had fallen in love with the story, and just at the height of excitementI shut the book. “Wait!” he shouted. I smiled. I knew I had him. “Maybe it’s anOKstory…”
Before your child learns to read, you can read the book to your child. As your child gets older, you may find it fun to alternate paragraphs, or have your child read the book to you. Aim for one chapter per night. Many elementary schools require their students to read for a set am...