Included in this little book are the words to the first verse of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' along with the admonition that we should stand up, remove our hats, and place our hands over our hearts when this song is played.doi: A Pingry...
Scott Key observed the Battle of Baltimore in September 1814 and was so moved by the sight of the flag still flying at dawn that he wrote the poem that became our national anthem. Included in this little book are the words to the first verse of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' along with t...
Our story of evolution ended with a stirring in the brain-organ of the latest of Nature’s experiments; but that stirring of consciousness transmutes the whole story and gives meaning to its symbolism. Symbolically it is the end, but looking behind the symbolism it is the beginning. ...
the Russian's partner, all nose and eyebrows in a lavender bathing suit decorated with appliqué flowers, prances out behind him tragically, and they embrace in this brightly lit arena in Kazan, at the first synchronized swimming world championship to include men. There is a TV came...
“What we’re talking about here are corporate executives who hide behind the American flag and the First Amendment so they can profit off the advocation of police murder,” says Ron DeLord, president of CLEAT. “Most Americans do not believe that the Constitution was designed to allow irrespon...
Talk about a frozen behind!!! Our bodies became numb from the cold, and quite blue, I might add. But the feel of our blood surging through our vessels was exhilarating. One really felt alive.” “When it wasn’t raining, we went for long walks.” If one simply walks, it takes...
I mean, do you ever wonder about the stories behind everyday products? What names were Procter & Gamble considering before they finally picked "Swiffer"? (Springle? Sweepolio? Dirtrocker?) What flavors of Pop-Tarts never made it out of the lab, and did any involve lychee, the devil's ...
Behind this exit door, long fluorescent bulbs illuminate two 72-foot dirt trenches. Nobody knows exactly how the trenches came to be. Men from the Old World would come in at all hours, tending them like the infield at the old Tiger Stadium. Building and pouring, hip deep in overlapping ...
With White behind the boards, the group struck soul-pop gold with “Best of My Love,” a testament to unbridled affection with disco bones and euphoric, EWF-style brass. It was an instant Saturday night hit, netting the Emotions a radio smash and an eventual Grammy. Amid the song’s ...
Day 4, 11:18 p.m.: The streets outside the Quicken Loans Arena were calm as Trump ascended the stage and accepted the nomination for president. Police officers loitered on Prospect Avenue, waiting for a threat to face as partiers watched Trump's speech from behind the glass windows of Fl...