Many years later, the Romans, who were great fighters, and needed a great deal of tin for the manufacture of their weapons, were very anxious to find these islands; so they fitted out a vessel and sent it away with orders to watch and follow a Phoenician ship, and not to give up the...
The link below is a link to a great video series by Tim Martin fromWatchman Fellowship. It is the best series on the Word of Faith Movement that I have ever seen. Done in a very irenic (peaceable) tone, this would be perfect for the WoFer who is starting to doubt the truthfulness o...
Being dramatic, he was sitting right behind the goals in the fence line. At one stage in this match, Graydar threatened to hurl himself over the fence, to engage in fisticuffs with the umpire. "Play on!" said the umpire, setting aside his whistle. Then, a miracle happened. Yahweh sent...
but it’s always such a hard cycle for me to get out of, once my legs have been cramped, or I’ve sat too long. The spasms become so tight and strong, that I can barely hold a squat (ie
Jesus was getting ready to make a miracle to honor God! PREVIEW PROGRAM ONLYJesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He that believes in me, NOT FOR USEthough he dies, yet shall he live. And those who live and believe in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" PLEASE ...
source of the blues, in all its haunting and transcendent ways. The blues is a way of feeling hurt and defying it, taking life as it is, living in the full hollow of it, yet going on. Aretha Franklin took her pain and transmuted it into something that moved the land with her voice...
Another time when he saw, in a railway station, a poor and starving epileptic without the means to return to his distant home, he was so touched with pity that he took off his hat and, placing in it an alms, proceeded to beg from the passengers on behalf of the sufferer. Money ...
British Summer Time (BST) is currently five hours ahead of ET and Central European Time (CET) is currently six hours ahead. U.S. Central Daylight Time (CDT) is one hour behind ET. Mountain Time (MT) is two hours behind ET, while Pacific Time (PT) is three hours behind. Contacteditor...
“All I Want for Christmas Is You”—her “love song for the holiday”—placing it back in our heads as a jingly, jangly, joyful earworm. For Lambs, the holiday anthem not only feels like Christmas, it’s a call to action. It’s a hymn, really. And on this night they are here ...