There again, beneath the flat slabs of stone of a small round enclosure, Schliemann stumbled upon a wonderful treasure-trove, which had been left behind by those mysterious people who had covered the Greek coast with their cities and who had built walls, so big and so heavy and so strong,...
in front of 在……前面 behind prep.在……后面 town n.镇;市镇 around adv.&prep.到处;大约 north n.北;北方 adj.北方的 along prep.沿着 go along 沿着(这条街)走 turn v.转向;翻 right adv.向右边 n.右边 left adv.向左边 n.左边 rurn right/left 向右、左转 crossing n.十字路口 neighborhood...
Book (choral reading):Barnyard Danceby Sandra Boynton Song (with shaky eggs):“Ba Ba Black Sheep” –Caspar Babypants: Sing Along! Closing rhyme Colors Story Time – Baby August 24, 2013 Opening song Sign language for white and blue Book:Pete the Cat: I love my white shoesby Eric Litwin...
Acted out by puppets crafted from single pieces of wood (usually mango wood), sporting hand painted faces, clothed in finely stitched silks, and operated by an intricate system of strings, tales like Amar’s enthralled audiences and galvanized the population behind the rising power of the Maharaj...
"All this was nuts to Mis Bascum, and she kep' advisin' and encouragin' of me, and I didn't see through her a mite, or guess that settin' folks by the ears was as relishin' to her as bitters is to some. Merciful, suz! what a piece a work we did make betwixt us! I sco...
A small creature somewhere between a crab and a hat tugs on my jeans behind me. “You look a bit like her,” he says. “Mun,” I gasp. I’m starting to piece things together. “How’d you know my name?” the crab-hat asks. “Never mind, why do you want to meet the imagine...
Behind them there was a tent where they made up with large clay masks which hid their faces and which showed the spectators whether the actors were supposed to be happy and smiling or unhappy and weeping. The Greek word for tent is skene'' and that is the reason why we talk of the...
After a day or so on the trail, the cattle fall in behind the big, old steer and march as pretty as you please to the end of the trail PREVIEW PROGRAM ONLYThe Good Book says our lead steer is Jesus. He died on the cross and NOT FOR USErose from the grave to pay up our sin ...
David is identified with the insignificant trees and flock. The Lord who can see into the heart has seen and heard everything David has done and said (v. 4). Thus, God heeded David’s piety of soul by sending the prophet Samuel to take him from behind the flock to make him a great...
orange 3 green.Tom likes 4 very much.He draws 5 with them.Now he is drawing a house.The door is green.The walls 6 White.The windows are big.It’s very nice.There are many flowers 7 the house.There is 8 black and white sheep behind the house.It is eating grass.Are there 9 other...