Emily (28:09): Um, let’s wrap up with the question that I ask all of my guests, which is, what is your best financial advice for another early career PhD? And that could be something that we’ve touched on already in the interview or something completely new.Paulina (28:22): So,...
The crocodile agreed with the pelican. And watched. And waited. And waited. And watched. Night fell and sure enough, just as the pelican had said, there was the brightest, biggest moon face right in the middle of the river. The crocodile couldn’t believe his eyes. “All that food and...
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So I didn't want to ever treat someone else like that, but I also didn't want to jump the gun and ruin someone's life, so I just kept this to myself. Since then, I've started to question whether this event actually happened. My friend is a bossy type A person and has been ...
After everything that has happened he’s not well-loved (neither is Bruce Wayne). Then there’s this question about his possible brother? JSA #1 –So with everything that happened in Absolute Power and All-In we have the latest version of the Justice Society of America. Which seems to ...
Question:It isn't clear to me the relationship between the pages of a picture book and the pages of typed text that the author writes. Does an author just write text and the publisher divides it into 32 pages? Or should the author divide the text and show the page breaks when submittin...
Absolute Newbie Scripting Question Accepting single quote character in powershell script arguement Acces denied export Start Layout Access denied error when executing the Invoke-Command Access denied on remote script - Newbie access denied using remote powershell session and failoverclusters module Access...
Question Variety:Incorporate a mix of question types, such as factual recall, critical thinking, and application questions. This variety keeps everyone engaged and tests different levels of understanding. Difficulty Gradation:Design questions that progress in complexity. Start with basic questions about th...