Monitoring included observation of stormwater prior to pretreatment, prior to entering the dry well, in the vadose zone adjacent to the dry well, and both, upgradient and downgradient of the dry well in groundwater. Observations occurred over a two-year period. We analyzed for several ...
Stormwater ponds are intended to be used for mitigating floods, improving water quality, and recharging groundwater. The sediment-water interface (SWI) of stormwater ponds exhibits properties that influence surface water–groundwater exchanges similar to
Gradient and pore size distribution considerations can mitigate these phenomena and are a major consideration when considering the filtration capacity and maintenance cycle to recover the PM filtrate from the BPFC. Apart from the permeable upper layer, all the other layers of this pavement system are...
In comparison, the dynamic distribution in the density gradient of inorganic and organic particles in urban runoff makes field validation of claimed removal efficiencies difficult. Given the wide range of median particle diameters for the NURP distribution, Sil-Co-Sil® 106 and Oklahoma-110, ...