Main article: Rank insignia plaqueLike in the rest of the Imperial Military, officer ranks within the Stormtrooper Corps was denoted by a specific combination of colored squares and code cylinders worn on the uniform.[4][12] When out on the field, they generally also wear orange pauldrons and...
Stormtroopers (STs)—also known as Imperial stormtroopers and colloquially referred to as "bucketheads"—were the elite shock troops of the Galactic Empire, and were part of the Stormtrooper Corps, an independent military branch operating under the Imperial Army. These elite, obedient and zealous ...
The rank of commander was represented with an orange pauldron,[1] though one soldier who served under the Grand Inquisitor had his colored red.[18] Black identified enlisted soldiers.[2] Several black pauldroned stormtroopers accompanied Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin to the planet Lothal,[19] and ...
For non-combat situations, officers wore a black dress uniform, including a cap, boots, gloves and standard rank squares. Becoming an officer in the Stormtrooper Corps was a stepping stone to joining the more prestigious ranks of the of Imperial officers; stormtrooper officers were still ...