Storm's original X-Men costume Years later, Ororo found herself in the Savage Land and was forced to battle the threat of a mutant energy manipulator, who used Ororo's control over weather, known as Deluge, who sought revenge against humanity. With the help of the team of mutant heroes...
Jonathan Lowell Spencer "Johnny" Storm a.k.a. the Human Torch[24] is an American superpowered adventurer. He was a high school student[25] before he was exposed to high levels of cosmic radiation when his older sister Sue Storm's boyfriend, scientist Dr. Reed Richards, took them and ...
Elsa’s traits are not unique, as her powers resemble those of Storm, a black character who first appeared in 1975 as a member of the Marvel Comics X-Men, a group of mutant heroes. When Storm cannot control her emotions or succumbs to a fit of rage, violent weather can ensue, a cha...
Men • Misty Forest • Moonwood • Mount Hamarhaast • Mount Hotenow • Nether Mountains • Neverwinter Wood • Purple Rocks • Rauvin Mountains • Red Rocks • Redwaters • Reghed Glacier • Sea of Moving Ice • Shaengarne River • Silverwood • Southwood • Spine...
They have sold out to the Money Power and have agreed to be “front men” puppets but they are not guaranteed protection. The politicians are covertly surveilled, scrutinized and microwave-tortured even more than We the Sheeple. Al Gore lost a son in a traffic “accident.” John Edwards los...