Generally regarded as one of the most powerful mutants on the planet, Storm, real name Ororo Munroe, was orphaned at a young age and taken in by a village priestess while traveling to her mother's home in Kenya. When their village was suffering during a drought, Ororo summoned rain in an...
Storm (Character) The X-men’s Storm! Publisher:Marvel Comics Created by:Len Wein and Dave Cockrum. 1st appearance:Giant-Size X-Men#1 (May 1975) Real Name:Ororo Munroe Alias:Ororo Iqadi T’Challa née Munroe, Wind rider, Ororo Komo Wakandas, Queen Of Wakanda, Goddess Of The Plains, Q...
Real Name Ororo Munroe Current Alias Storm Aliases Goddess Of Thunder, Wind-Rider, Mistress of the Elements, Weather Witch Status Alive Gender Female Birthplace Manhattan, New York City, New York Species Mutant who ascended to godhood Height 5′11″ (1.8 m) Weight 145 lbs (65.77 ...
The Four exposed the Super-Skrull, but the Skrulls strapped a bomb to the real Franklin's chest, and Franklin sacrificed his own life to save his children.[27] A trip to the Skrull homeworld and the death of Warlord Morrat, the Skrull who authorized Franklin's murder, brought some ...
This is the real sample of this Susan Storm cosplay costume, the light is too dim so the color may looks more darker than the real . The Invisible Woman (Susan "Sue" Storm-Richards), first known as the Invisible Girl, is a fictional superheroine appearing Marvel Comics which is one of...
When Nate Grey, AKAX-Man, rewrote reality and created a pocket dimension utopia using the Life Seed, mutants lost their memories of their real lives, including Storm. She awoke in the mutant utopia and was still part of the X-Men, however, in this world, intimate relationships were outlawe...
Storm has a lot of abilities that involve weather control. As her name suggests, Storm can quickly pave the way for thunderstorms in the skies, as well as stirring up tornadoes, blizzards, hurricanes, and more. Her ability inMarvel Snapis themed around what she can do as a mutant, making...
The real Susan Richards was recovered alive from a downed Skrull ship after the final battle of the invasion.[57] The Bridge Reed created a device called The Bridge to explore alternate realities. Meanwhile, Johnny, Sue, and Ben fought off the agents of H.A.M.M.E.R. Reed's machine ...
‘The Human Torch’ of Fantastic Four killed off by Marvel Jan The Complete Star Wars Saga Blu-ray Announcement – Preorder Now Jan Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap By what name was Storm (2009) officially released in Canada in English?
Marvel revealed more information about Power Pack: Into the Storm #1 on its website. Into the Storm will see Power Pack’s creators, Louise Simonson and June Brigman, return to their beloved creations, telling a story set in the group’s early years. Classic Power Pack foes, such as the...