“Ah.” “The other choice was bowling.” Dar said. “I don’t know about you but for me the biggest draw of the bowling alley is the cheese fries.” “Hmm.” Kerry wrinkled her nose. “I think I’d like to try softball.” She decided. “I never played it in school,and I wa...
Storm The storm chaser plane. The probe in operation. Oh, that's not going to end well. Storm Somebody is losing royalties here. Beverly Hills 90210 Ron, looking like cousin Ira fromMad About You. Ron has a very small stick. Remember inRaiders of the Lost Arkwhen a co-ed gets all ...
Ages 12-18: Young adult (YA) novels and graphic novels The ages on this list aren’t carved in stone, as some kids may read far above their age level. Don’t worry about them, they read everything! Learn what is expected for the general age range you are targeting and write for th...