METHODS AND SYSTEMS OF SECURELY STORING DOCUMENTS ON A MOBILE DEVICEA method of encrypting information using a computational tag may include, by a mobile electronic device, detecting a computational tag within a near field communication range of the mobile electronic device, identifying a document to...
For its part, Apple goes to great lengths to ensure iCloud security surpasses industry norms. In an iOS Security document last updated in May (PDF link), the company details its security protocols, saying files from contacts, calendars, photos, documents and more are broken into chunks and ...
Because the Safe app stores images, you can use the camera that's built into your iPhone or iPad to photograph important paper-based documents and then store those images within your iOS device, creating a secure virtual file cabinet. Documents that have been scanned can also be transferred to...
Instead, you have to write to the application document directory on the device / simulator. NSURL *documentsDirectory = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject]; NSURL *fileURL = [documentsDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"s...
METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SECURELY STORING ELECTRONIC IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS ON A MOBILE TERMINALThe invention relates to a method for securely storing an electronic identification document on a mobile terminal (10), to a method for securely reading an electronic identification document stored in this ...
These mechanisms and methods for storing documents in an on-demand service can enable embodiments to provide the sharing of documents and the storing of the documents in association with a tag. The ability of embodiments to provide the sharing of documents and the storing can enable an efficient...
support for storing data on paper documents.MURABITO DANIELE
Each barcode stamp encodes linking information indicating the position of the next barcode stamp. An index barcode may be printed on the front side of the document which encodes the position information for all of the barcode stamps on the back side.WEI MING...
Quickly and Easily, Scanning and Storing Documents on the Go.The article evaluates several document scanner applications including the Scanner Pro from Readdle, the Mobile Doc Scanner, and the Perfect optical character recognition (OCR).EATON
doi:10.1108/09604520010321052Y.K. ChanMartin BrownK. NeaileyW.H. IpMCB UP LtdManaging Service Quality