We introduce the MovieQA dataset which aims to evaluate automatic storycomprehension from both video and text. The dataset consists of 14,944questions about 408 movies with high semantic diversity. The questions rangefrom simpler "Who" did "What" to "Whom", to "Why" and "How" certain events...
Ss read the first two paragraphs of the text and answer two comprehension questions. T asks Ss to think about reasons for Helen’s unbearable behaviour. 课文前两段生词密集,且均为背景文字,先让学生阅读这一部分,可为后面的情节做铺垫,同时复现生词。补充的小段阅读是为了帮助学生更好地理解主人公。
Abstract We introduce the MovieQA dataset which aims to eval- uate automatic story comprehension from both video and text. The dataset consists of 14,944 questions about 408 movies with high semantic diversity. The questions range from simpler "Who" did "What" to "Whom", to "Why" and "...
comprehension questions and extension activities such as plays, projects, and other activities to allow students to experience the subject beyond the story. This comprehension program poses literal, fact-based questions as well as interpretive questions that ask students to draw logical conclusions based...
they passed on the stairs on their way to and from their room. Their room was on the second floor facing the sea. It also faced the public garden and the war monument. There were big palms and green benches in the public garden. In the good weather there was always an artist with ...
We introduce the MovieQA dataset which aims to evaluate automatic story comprehension from both video and text. The dataset consists of 7702 questions about 294 movies with high semantic diversity. The questions range from simpler "Who" did "What" to "Whom", to "Why" and "How" certain events...
Promote reading for meaning in beginning readers Starting Comprehension is based on the assumption that children do not all learn to use phonetic, semantic, and syntactic reading cues in the same order, or with the same ease. Students using this ser...
The control groups (N = 60) heard stories with no pre- or postquestions or discussion. The results indicated that the use of the DRA when reading stories to children significantly improved comprehension. Traditional and structural treatment groups each significantly improved performance on traditional ...
These short stories offer an online read aloud option, featuring a professional narrator. Our narrators use fun and engaging voices that help bring these short stories to life. Our short stories for kids also come with comprehension questions, vocabulary and print-out resources....
The difficulty began when I got to junior high, where we started getting reading assignments for homework and having quizzes and tests with much wordier questions. I just couldn’t do it. I would open the textbook at home to read the assigned chapters and… entirely forget the first senten...