Sometimes, the most compelling story is one that ends in an unexpected way. This lesson provides a series of short stories with twist endings that...
Montana High Country. He rescued her from some very bad men. In return, she mended his broken heart. The whole improbable story plays out against the panorama of the Civil War and America's relentless movement West. There's a bit of a twist at the end. But who doesn't like surprises...
That is not to say that ‘modern stories with a twist’ or ‘slice of life stories’ cannot be sold either. When you are good at what you do, there will be plenty of opportunities. How Much Can You Make? When you follow through with this writing career path, your earning potential is...
Ghastly Graham Ingels drew this collection of gruesome short comics stories with twist endings, often hosted by Ingels Old Witch character: ripped from the pages of EC comics such as Tales From the Crypt. Gary Groth,A Feldstein,Graham Ingels,... 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 Bait, And Other Stor...
Are you looking for the best lesbian proposal ideas? Are you planning to get engayged soon? Or do you just want to dream away with cute lesbian proposal photos? This article is a bundle of 21 heartwarming lesbian proposals, stories and tips from real life queer couples! From low-key int...
Here you go. If you enjoy it, please leave a comment on this post or Facebook and share with your friends (because hey, they might like it too)! CHAPTER 1 Jeanette knew it was wrong to be out after dark, away from the village, heading to the one place girls were forbidden to be...
When headaches start shutting him down, a weekend outdoors seems to be just the thing. While he’s fishing, she comes up with a scene that involves hard sex, butter, a grill, utensils, her breasts, and more. Little do they know what surprise waits for them at the end of their ...
most of these short stories are quick reads that are easy to enjoy in any situation, whether you have dedicated time to read or you're on the go. some of these stories will get you on the edge of your seat with suspense. others may make your mind spin with ideas. you never know ...
" But before the computer had finished speaking Carpenter's words, LaVon reached out and took Carpenter's wrists, held them tightly. Carpenter did not try to resist; if he did, he might go tight and twist around on the chair like a slug on a hot shovel. That would be more humiliation...
— A romance with a twist or two and a long-held secret. by silkstockingslover03/16/224.57 Cum at the Mall— Sissy eats cum in the parking lot. by bottomhub06/05/193.87 Cum Drinker— Sister fucks cross-dressing brother. by StephanieSeymour09/17/074.27 Cum Eating Cocksucker— I learn ...