This set of five books is our all-time best-selling book series and has been used by thousands of parents and teachers worldwide with tremendous feedback and results. This set includes the stories of the following five Prophets: Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa,
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The Journey of Hope Reader features fables, prayers, poems, and real-life stories of inspirational people who were prophets of hope in their own times, including Beethoven, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, Copernicus, Chief Seattle, Chico Mendes, Annie Sullivan, Oskar Schindler, Arthur Ashe, and...
C12)$2.50Price Out-of-Stock Seven Is Special CP22)$8.95Price On sale!-$15.00 Out-of-Stock Golden Series of the Prophets Companions (Set of 15 books) 152)$74.95Regular price$89.95Price Showing 1-27 of 27 item(s) Customer Reviews
One of the greatest prophets in human history was just born in an out-of-the-way inn's stable and already his destiny is in jeopardy. The King in Jerusalem and the religious elders, warned of his coming, seek out the child in order to assure fate does not play out as is foretold. ...
I learned to read from my mother, who had learned the Master’s language in Africa. We would spend early mornings going through a hidden Bible. The words were strange, but beautiful, and I marveled at the way the language soared in the voices of these prophets, especially in comparison to...
When Blake asks the prophets, “does a firm persuasion that a thing is so make it so?” The prophets replied, “All poets believe that it does & in ages of imagination this firm perswasion removed mountains, but many are not capable of a firm perswasion”. I have to agree with the ...
We continued north to Mount Carmel to view the spot where the prophet Elijah confronted the false prophets of Baal. There was a statue of Elijah to commemorate his victory over the 400 men by the power of God. There were so many sites which brought to life the ministry and teachings of ...
. . . The scriptures are primarily a collection of stories, given to us because God directed prophets to recount their experiences to His people. In His desire to give us guidance about life, God could have given us a large rulebook or a series of grand philosophical essays. But he didn...
of God’s greatest prophets, to be a “watchman” on the wall—to warn people of coming dangers. Sometimes the people listened; but often they ignored the warnings and listened to the lies of those telling them what they wanted to hear. Nevertheless, Ezekiel continued to sound the warning....