< Put the latest Star Trek fan fiction on your website > . Travis Cannon Pioneer Star Trek: Pioneer - 5.43 - Question of Loyalty Off Site 2010.08.02 Will the crew mutiny?! Tyson Calok begins a wicked plan that is yet to be known by his employers, the So’ja Coalition, as they beg...
Trekkie Fan Fiction is a FREE Star Trek library of fan-written novels, short stories, graphic novels, audio books, and videos. Contributed to by authors and creators across the world, Trekkie Fan Fiction is proud to be for the fans, by the fans....
The Reader's Resource for Star Trek fan fiction Series Profile series title Epiphany Trek (EPTR) "The Age of Discovery is Only Beginning" Adventure and discovery within multiple settings of the Star Trek Universe. Sail with Captain Taraban and the USS Questing, Captain James Timothy Kirk and ...
Star Trek/USSBaldwin Based onStar Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry. While this is technically “fan-fiction,” because it is set in the universe ofStar Trek, and there are appearances from established characters, this series of stories revolves around a group of original characters. The first ...
Alienating the Audience–Andrew Heaton and an army of nerds plunge deep, deep into films, books, and TV shows to ask: what’s science fiction really about? What is The Twilight Zone really exploring? What are the underlying themes of Star Trek? What is the worldview of Star Wars? Also ...
La ventana sur 6: “¿Quién anda allí?” J. Campbell Jr. y la amenaza metamórfica del surMatt’s Reviews: A War Of Gifts: An Ender Story by Orson Scott CardWhatever Happened to STAR TREK 2 The WRATH of KHAN?JustWatch: Genre Penetration of Streaming Services 3/5/25Robotic Units ar...
Fanfiction has a long and varied history in the Star Wars franchise since it began in 1977 with the debut of the first film, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The decade of the 1970s created new possibilities for science fiction multiverses and metanarratives; science fiction became an ...
Mini Martinis & Vermouth Service I was never a big fan of doing shots of Fernet, which used to be what every bartender would serve every industry person who walked through the door. Thankfully, this has largely disappeared. Now, bars/restaurants have their own unique ways of saying hello/...
The Reader's Resource for Star Trek fan fiction Series Profile series title Starbase 47(SB47) In the far reaches of space - a Federation Starbase strives to rebuild the fleet. With an untried Admiral at the helm, the station finds itself dealing with the struggle to maintain order and ensu...
Buck's Next Conquest Part 2by: Old Colonel - We Hope you enjoyed both BuckKay and Buck’s new conquest Part 1 with my Eastern Star sister Harriet but this part 2 will be able to be read on its own. First, let me say that I grew up on a farm in a small town in Mississippi (...