Sing! Singing makes us happy (unless you’re singing a sad country song about losing your boy/girlfriend haha!) Did you know the word “sing” is recorded 121 times in the Bible? It is the most recorded of the commandments, to sing to the Lord! Ok I’m there! Lots of holy songs...
There is a story in the bible about five wise virgins and five foolish virgins. They were waiting for the groom to come to the wedding. Five wise girls bought enough oil to last them till the groom arrived. The others did not have enough oil and did not get to see the groom. Let u...
Barb, to cancer. We have been part of the same couple’s bible study group for some 20 years. I’ve lost track. As she neared the end of life, Barb and her family opened their doors wide so family and friends could come and go. We carried in meals and, more importantly, love. B...
WHAT PARENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT BIBLE STORIES FOR KIDS: “My seven year old now always asks to listen to the Bible Stories app as we’re getting in the car. It’s so fun to have her listen to the stories that open up her imagination to learn more about God. The ability to have an ...
“Even through our growing up we each had different times where we weren’t perfect kids and their loving commitment was so unconditional,” says Emily Lanphier. “They cared more about being connected to us as mom and dad than they did about us making the right choice. Our heart connection...
Being zero Finnish myself, I was hesitant to promote the book but, as luck would have it, a man affiliated with the New World Finn newspaper heard me on a local radio show talking about the story, called in, and left his number. Given I’m not a Finn, I was hesitant to engage. ...
“You know, like, from the Bible,” she explained. To which he testily replied: “There’s no cross-eyed bear in the Bible!” I love these kinds of stories. They remind me of other great mishearings, like my friend who thought the Men at Work lyric: “You better run; you better...
I had a lot of fun investigating things like bird imagery in the Bible, the physics of green wood, and the theology of recognition, though I had to leave a lot of research paths untaken to keep within a reasonable time limit.I didn’t have time to mention it in the recorded video, ...
I can be thankful IN the deaths of our sons, but that is very different from being thankful FOR the deaths of our sons. I am thankful for what the Lord has taught me about Himself, about myself and my priorities, about what is truly important in life. I can be thankful that our ...
Third: I don’t know about you, but I cherish the times I receive what I like to call a “God wink.” Those times I sense His presence. Often it’s through the stories in the Bible, an answered prayer, or the lyrics of a song that come just when I need them. When you and I...