just a single sports east road's good Plaza and Wan Ling Hui, the two shopping malls launched the "Dinosaur Fossils Exhibition" on the same theme for the summer vacation marketing. It advocated a "return to the Jurassic" and highlights the real experience of the Jurassic environment. The oth...
•Brooklyn Flea and Smorgasbord(food vendors) (location varies: usually Dumbo, Brooklyn. See website.) FOSSILS •Evolution- 120 Spring Street b/t Greene St. and Mercer St. (Look for the skeleton out front.) GADGETS FOR ADULTS •Hammacher Schlemmer 147 E 57th St. b/t 3rd Ave and L...
"There are more and more of these fake stores in Kunming. Although they may sell real Apple products, some of those products were not imported through legal means." The proliferation of the fake stores underlines the slow progress that China's government is making in countering a culture of ...