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当您使用 Citrix Studio 为 XenDesktop 部署创建了一个新存储时,默认情况下将为该存储创建一个桌面设备站点。 XenApp Services site:使用运行 Citrix Desktop Lock 的已加入域的桌面设备和重用PC 机的用户,以及使用无法升级的旧版 Citrix 客户端的用户,可以使用存储的 XenAppServices URL 访问存储。 创建新存储时,...
StoreFront 使用 Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 上运行的 Microsoft .NET 技术提供汇聚资源的企业应用商店,并使其可供用户访问。 StoreFront 与 XenDesktop、XenApp、XenMobile App Controller 和 VDI-in-a-Box 部署相集成,为用户提供单一的自助访问点,以访问桌面和应用程序。 StoreFront的高可用: Stor...
Citrix-DeliveryServicesSetupConsole-*.log — 无提示安装 StoreFront 及卸载 StoreFront(交互式或无提示)时创建。 CitrixMsi-CitrixStoreFront-x64-*.log — 安装和卸载 StoreFront(交互式或无提示)时创建。 事件日志 StoreFront 支持对身份验证服务、应用商店和 Receiver for Web 站点进行 Windows 事件日志记录。
Citrix-DeliveryServicesSetupConsole-*.log — 无提示安装 StoreFront 及卸载 StoreFront(交互式或无提示)时创建。 CitrixMsi-CitrixStoreFront-x64-*.log — 安装和卸载 StoreFront(交互式或无提示)时创建。 事件日志 StoreFront 支持对身份验证服务、应用商店和 Receiver for Web 站点进行 Windows 事件日志记录。
WindowsInstallerType: The type of the class that implements the Windows installer functionality in the assembly at: WindowsInstallerAssemblyPath Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Citrix\DeliveryServices\FrameworkControllerData Values DirectoryPath: The path to the directory that stores the StoreFront framework controller ...
1、Citrix桌面虚拟化技术培训Citrix Receiver Storefront 与 NetScaler技术架构介绍Citrix ReceiverCitrix ReceiverAvailable on 3 Billion DevicesMacPCMacTabletPCSmartphonesTablet/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/products-solutions/citrix-receiver-feature-matrix.pdf Storefront and NetScalerWeb Interface is being ...
Citrix Delivery Services Now after we have done that in the same document we have to change under the /configuration/system.applicationHost/siteswe need to add thepreloadEnabled=”true”paramter. So for instance for the authentication application ...
To fix this, in the StoreFront console, right-click the store, and clickConfigure XenApp Services Support. In the bottom of the window, select theDefault store, and clickOK. Now PNAgent can point to StoreFront without needing to specify a custom path. Note: this only works for/Citrix/PNA...
选择正确的host为Citrix NetScaler: 选择合适的Storage: 选择所需要的NetWork: 点击Finish,等待大概2分钟,Citrix NetScaler VPX就会成功的导入到XenServer Host中: In order to access the appliance via the console remotely, it must have an IP first. Once IP'd all management is done via a web browser. ...