Code Snippet 在SqlCommand 中加入 SqlParameter,並且設定 Direction 屬性為 ParameterDirection.ReturnValue,然後在指令執行後去取這個 SqlParameter 的 Value。 恩~剛剛測試ok~謝謝您 之前因為stored procedure裡面有寫錯(沒寫到catch丟出來的值不一樣) 所以一直抓到0...
This module covers the return keyword and returning values from methods. Documentation Return Data From a Stored Procedure - SQL Server Learn how to return data from a procedure to a calling program by using result sets, output parameters, and return codes. Retrieve values in Store...
sampleCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter sampParm = sampleCMD.Parameters.Add(“RETURN_VALUE”, SqlDbType.Int); sampParm.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; sampParm = sampleCMD.Parameters.Add(“@InputParm”, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 12); sampParm.Value = “Sample Value”...
How to get the return value from stored procedure in c#.This is My Stored Procedure:Alter Procedure Sp_UserLogin @username varchar(50), @password varchar(50) As BEGIN Declare @usertypeid tinyint,@count tinyint select @count = count(*) from UserLogin where LoginName = @username and ...
StoredProcedure:生成 SQLServer 存储过程对象和(可选)包含用于创建存储过程的查询的 .sql 文件。 StoredProcedure$registrationVec 包含表示创建存储过程所需的查询的字符串 用法 复制 StoredProcedure (func, spName, ..., filePath = NULL ,dbName = NULL, connectionString = NULL, batchSeparator = "GO") ...
A question about regular expressions in T-SQL A stored procedure returning a boolean value indicating wheter a specified value exists in a table. A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The semaphore timeout period has ex...
Return data using an output parameterIf you specify the output keyword for a parameter in the procedure definition, the procedure can return the current value of the parameter to the calling program when the procedure exits. To save the value of the parameter in a variable that can be used ...
概述 存储过程(Stored Procedure) 是一组完成特定功能的Transact- SQL语句的集合,即将一些固定的操作集中起来由SQL Server服务器来完成,应用程序只需调用它就可以实现某个特定的任务。 存储过程是可以通过用户、其他存储过程或触发器来调用执行。SQL Serve 201
一、先说下ExecuteScalar()与ExecuteNonQuery () ExecuteScalar方法返回的类型是object类型,这个方法返回sql语句执行后的第一行第一列的值,由于不知道sql语句到底是什么样的结构(有可能是int,有可能是char等等),所以ExecuteScalar方法返回一个最基本的类型object,这个类型是所有类型的基类,换句话说:可以转换为任意类型。
Return data using an output parameter If you specify the output keyword for a parameter in the procedure definition, the procedure can return the current value of the parameter to the calling program when the procedure exits. To save the value of the parameter in a variable that can be used...