Console.WriteLine(“RETURN_VALUE: {0}”, sampleCMD.Parameters[“RETURN_VALUE”].Value); ReturnValue:用来捕捉StoredProcedure的Return值。 使用Output参数返回值的存储过程非常有用,他们可用于从数据库中检索几份信息,但信息互不相关,或者在结果集中获取信息。 了解一下使用了StoredProcedure的应用程序,它们一般分成...
Create Procedure Proc2 @input1 int AS BEGIN IF Exists(SELECT FROM A WHEREname=@input1) BEGIN RETURN -1 END ELSE BEGIN RETURN 0 END END 第一個Stored Procedure在Web Service呼叫的時候 用SqlCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameters("@output1", Data.SqlDbType.Int))抓取傳回值 第二...
publicvoidmoveToHistoryTable(Person person){ StoredProcedure procedure =newGenericStoredProcedure(); procedure.setDataSource(dataSource); procedure.setSql("MOVE_TO_HISTORY"); procedure.setFunction(false); SqlParameter[] parameters = { newSqlParameter(Types.BIGINT), newSqlOutParameter("status_out", Ty...
create [or replace] PROCEDURE 过程名[(参数名in/out数据类型)]isbegin PLSQL 子程序体; End 过程名; 范例:创建一个输出 helloword 的存储过程 create or replace procedure helloworldisbegin dbms_output.put_line('helloworld'); end helloworld;
@Sum money output 1. AS 1. SET NOCOUNT ON; 1. SELECT @Sum = SUM(Department.Budget) 1. FROM Department 1. WHERE StartDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate 1. The stored procedure returns the school budget for a given date. By of course the stored procedure could return that calculation...
StoredProcedure:生成 SQLServer 存储过程对象和(可选)包含用于创建存储过程的查询的 .sql 文件。 StoredProcedure$registrationVec 包含表示创建存储过程所需的查询的字符串 用法 复制 StoredProcedure (func, spName, ..., filePath = NULL ,dbName = NULL, connectionString = NULL, batchSeparator = "GO") ...
SQL Server stored procedures have four mechanisms used to return data: Each SELECT statement in the procedure generates a result set. The procedure can return data through output parameters. A cursor output parameter can pass back a Transact-SQL server cursor. The procedure can have an integer ...
can we write DDL command in Stored Procedure? Can wildcards be used on datetime column? can you add colour to a fields output in T-SQL? Can you change the value of yes or no instead of true or false use data type (BIT) ? Can you have a TRY CATCH in dynamic SQL? Can you Select...
DECLARE @return_value int EXEC @return_value = [GetDepartmentMaxSalary] SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value Stored procedure OUTPUT parameters We can define output parameters instead of the return value in the stored procedure and can assign several data types to it. For example, the followin...