executeStoredProcedure(sqlSP, ..., connectionString = NULL) 参数 sqlSP 有效的 StoredProcedure 对象 ... 存储过程的可选输入和输出参数。 必须提供未为其分配默认查询或值的所有参数 connectionString 一个字符串(如果在创建 StoredProcedure 对象时没有连接字符串,则必须提供)。 此函数需要使用支持 ODBC 3.8 ...
For example, there is a procedure would like: create table mytable insert into mytable (select from someothertable) update mytable set somefield1 = 1 update mytable set somefield2 = 2 update mytable set somefield3 = 5 Will the Database engine automatically parallelize the independ...
DECLARE @Query nvarchar(MAX); Set @Query = N' SELECT ' @Columns + N' FROM TABLA'; --SELECT @Query EXECUTE sp_executesql @Query I would like to fill a view with the result of this query EXECUTE sp_executesql @Query CREATE VIEW…
存储过程(proc 或 procedure) 存储过程(Stored Procedure),计算机用语,是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,是利用SQL Server所提供的Transact-SQL语言所编写的程序。经编译后存储在数据库中。存储过程是数据库中的一个重要对象,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来执行它。存储过程是由流...
example, when we want to determine the displayed columns in our reports, this procedure might be a solution option for us. In the simplest sense, this procedure takes a dynamically constructed SQL batch and other parameters, then execute it in the runtime and, finally, it returns the result...
存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,经编译后存储在数据库中,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给定参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来调用执行它。外部程序可以直接调用数据库里面定义好的存储过程,另外数据库内部的触发器(trigger)、或者其他存储过程也可以调用它。
newSqlOutParameter("status_out", Types.BOOLEAN)); Map<String, Object> execute = call.execute(newMapSqlParameterSource("peron_id_in", person.getId())); } 3、使用StoredProcedure 该类在包org.springframework.jdbc中。对象,使我们能够以更面向对象的方式访问数据库。StoredProcedure是抽象的,因此我们通常...
Tasks.ExecuteSQLTask 程序集: Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTask.dll 获取或设置一个布尔值,该值指示执行 SQL 任务指定的 SQL 语句是否为存储过程。 C# 复制 public bool IsStoredProcedure { get; set; } 属性值 Boolean 如果执行 SQL 任务执行的 SQL 语句是存储过程,则为 true。 实现 IsStoredPro...
ExecuteProcedure(String, SqlCredential, out DataTable) Int Executes the stored procedure using SqlCredential for elevated security to fetch data in datatable and returns the number of rows affected Execute(String, Dictionary<String, String>)IntExecutes the query along with...
port to execute a stored procedure with a single parameter without using a BizTalk orchestration. However, in such a case, to verify whether the stored procedure is executed successfully you will have to verify in the SQL Server database whether the Address column in the Employee table is ...