那么当你的SELECT concat(nt.tradePre,nt.tradeDate, lpad(nt.tradeFlow,6,'0')) INTO l_new_tradeNo FROM num_table nt WHERE nt.id = 1找不到数据的时候,DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET NO_MORE_RECORD = 1;这句就会执行,有1 != 1所以循环体会提前跳出。通过测试得出,DECLARE CONTINUE...
stored procedure in mysqlPosted by: renaud mathieu Date: November 28, 2008 03:46PM hi, I looked around but have not found a solution to my problem this is my stored procedure: DROP PROCEDURE `getProdByName`// CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `getProdByName`( Nom ...
注意:在某些 MySQL 配置中,你可能需要在my.cnf或my.ini配置文件中设置event_scheduler=ON来确保事件调度器在 MySQL 服务器启动时自动开启。 2. 创建存储过程 假设你已经有一个存储过程,我们在这里创建一个简单的示例存储过程: DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE MyStoredProcedure() BEGIN -- 这里是你的 SQL 逻辑 I...
MySQL [test]> create procedure ll() -> begin -> declare done int default false; -> declare i int default 0; -> declare cur cursor for select distinct id from test; -> declare continue handler for not found set done = true;
In MySQL Workbench, You can view the stored procedure under theStored Proceduresfolder of the sakila schema. Create a parameterized stored procedure The MySQL Stored procedure parameter has three modes: IN, OUT, and INOUT. When we declare an IN type parameter, the application must pass an argume...
MySQL存储过程(Stored Procedure)主要的知识点: 分隔符(delimiter) 变量(variable) 参数(parameters) 分隔符(DELIMITER) MySQL通过delimiter来区分不同的SQL语句(SQL Statement),默认的分隔符是;; 对于procedure,会有多条SQL Statement,且MySQL的每个statement都需要以分隔符结束; ...
The code is similar to the examples shown previously. The code of particular interest here is: TheCALLis executed as before, but this time the results are returned into multipleResultSetobjects because the stored procedure executes multipleSELECTstatements. In this example, the output show...
servers. In this example scenario,server1contains databasedb1, andserver2contains databasedb2. The goal is to copy databasedb2toserver1, and the result onserver1should be the union of the two databases. The procedure used is to back upserver2usingmysqldump, then to restore this backup on...
MySQL存储过程可使用两种风格的注释 双模杠:-- 该风格一般用于单行注释 c风格: 一般用于多行注释 例如: mysql > DELIMITER // mysql > CREATE PROCEDURE proc1 --name存储过程名 -> (IN parameter1 INTEGER) -> BEGIN -> DECLARE variable1 CHAR(10); -> IF parameter1 = 17 THEN -> SET variable1 =...
261 examples: the creation of stored procedure This is a stored procedure to create an instance of Video Location: CD \ mingrisoft \ 09 \ 261 Examples In order to ensure data integrity,consistency, improve application performance, often using storage process technology. MySQL 5.0 does not suppor...