I'm pretty new to MySQL and I have a problem here with an IF statement inside a stored procedure. Here's the stored procedure, as you can see nothing too fancy, it includes 3 actions... : -- Create order_products stored procedure ...
CREATE DEFINER=`pubuducg`@`%` PROCEDURE `CustomerAuthenticate`(IN UserEmail VARCHAR(100), IN PassWD VARCHAR(40), IN AccStatus VARCHAR(100),IN TransactionDateTime DATETIME, IN MaxLoginAttempts INT(1)) BEGIN DECLARE LoginUserID INT(11); DECLARE LoginEmail VARCHAR(50); DECLARE LoginPassword TINY...
Introduction In this article we will discuss about how to avoid ELSE-IF Statement in stored procedure in SQL Server. As we all know that stored procedure is faster than LINQ, so we will fetch data from database using stored procedure. Background Here we have to use condition with where ...
分隔符(DELIMITER) MySQL通过delimiter来区分不同的SQL语句(SQL Statement),默认的分隔符是;; 对于procedure,会有多条SQL Statement,且MySQL的每个statement都需要以分隔符结束; 如果我们想把一个procedure作为一条statement,那么我们就不能用默认的分隔符;,否则MySQL Server就不会把procedure里面的多条Statement认作一条...
I have one Stored Procedure which returns some value. now i have some different conditions in my select query so can i write them in my where clause instead of writing the whole select query again for different conditions? Like My Current Select Statement in SP looks like : ...
1、前言 存储过程(Stored Procedure),是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL 语句,集经编译后存储在数据库中,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数,如果该存储过程带有参数来执行。 简单的说就是专门干一件事一段sql语句。可以由数据库自己去调用,也可以由程序去调用。 存储过程
The uspGetEmployees stored procedure can be executed in these ways: Copy EXECUTE HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees; GO -- Or EXEC HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees; GO -- Or, if this procedure is the first statement within a batch: HumanResources.uspGetAllEmployees; B. Using a simple proce...
MySQL基础知识:存储过程 - Stored Procedure MySQL存储过程(Stored Procedure)主要的知识点: 分隔符(delimiter) 变量(variable) 参数(parameters) 分隔符(DELIMITER) MySQL通过delimiter来区分不同的SQL语句(SQL Statement),默认的分隔符是;; 对于procedure,会有多条SQL Statement,且MySQL的每个statement都需要以分隔符结束...
DROP {PROCEDURE | FUNCTION} [IF EXISTS] sp_name 不能在一个存储过程中删除另一个存储过程,只能调用另一个存储过程 显示存储过程: SHOW CREATE {PROCEDURE} sp_name 似于SHOW CREATE TABLE,它返回一个可用来重新创建已命名子程序的确切字符串。 显示存储过程特征: ...
Step 1: Insert the output of the stored procedure into a temporary table Step 2: Use that temporary table in a SELECT statement.IF (OBJECT_ID('temp..#orders') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #orders GO -- Create a temporary table to hold the output of stored procedure CREATE TABLE #orders ...