Log("The second column in the first row of the Customer array has value " + Sp_Parameter.Name.elements[0].getVar('COL2')); WhereCOL1andCOL2are the names of the columns of the returned result set. Another Example Oracle Stored Procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_retData (p_r...
{try{conststringconn =@"此处为Oracle链接字符串";using(varoc =newOracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection(conn)) { oc.Open(); Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand cmd=oc.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText="SP_INSERT_DOG";varp1 =newOracle.DataAccess.Cl...
exec DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(fn_send_udp_message('Hello ABC')); 5. 检查是否收到来自 Oracle Java Stored Procedure 的消息 若接收到则表示成功。 否则调试失败原因。 可能存在的问题: 权限相关 解决方法: 根据提示添加相关权限
List of quick examples to create stored procedures (IN, OUT, IN OUT and Cursor parameter) in Oracle database. PL/SQL code is self-explanatory. 1. Hello World A stored procedure to print out a “Hello World” via DBMS_OUTPUT. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE procPrintHelloWorld IS BEGIN DBMS_O...
存储过程(Stored Procedure)是在大型数据库系统中,一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,存储过程在数据库中,经过第一次编译后再次调用不需要二次编译。用户通过指定的存储过程名称应传给参数来调用完成。 存储过程就是解决特定问题,有先后顺序的一组SQL语句集合。
I would like to see an example of calling an oracle stored procedure/function that was added to the visual designer. Thanks 1 Answer Sort by ScoreDate 0 Damyan Bogoev answered on22 Jun 2010,03:35 AM Hello DMC Helpdesk, This seems to be an issue in the stored procedure parameter names ...
//引用方式package.function或package.procedureStoredProcedure sp=neworg.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure(ds,"PACKAGE_NAME.PROCEDURE_NAME");//调用函数时必须,调用存储过程不要sp.setFunction(true);//设置返回参数名(将来通过此名称获取输出的返回结果),返回参数需在IN参数前定义//返回类型Types.ARRAY...
SSP_new_nep– This stored procedure defines a secondary (dialup) pool of devices or connections for a specified NEP in the SARM database. SSP_del_nep– This stored procedure deletes an NEP secondary pool definition from the SARM database. ...
还有其他的问题其实也都是对于调用函数时的设置参数顺序的问题 各种不同顺序出现的一场可能不一样,而且这种异常你上网都找不出解决方案,现在总结下Spring StoredProcedure调用Oracle函数的参数设置顺序: 1.接收函数返回值的代码必须写在最前面 2.然后接下来就输入参数和输出参数,这个顺序必须和函数定义的参数顺序一致才...
Example: Executing ’Sch_StoredProcedures.getUsp_GetAppointment().get$usp_GetAppointmentResultSets0().first();’ will fail with the exception: ’Unsupported method: ResultSet.first’. : Using DB2 Operations © 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates...