Stored procedures inSQL Servercan accept input parameters and return multiple values of output parameters; in SQL Server, stored procedures program statements to perform operations in the database and return a status value to a calling procedure or batch. User-defined procedures are created in a us...
存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,经编译后存储在数据库中,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给定参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来调用执行它。外部程序可以直接调用数据库里面定义好的存储过程,另外数据库内部的触发器(trigger)、或者其他存储过程也可以调用它。 存储过程的优点 (1)执行速度快:...
A stored procedure in SQL Server is a group of one or more Transact-SQL statements, or a reference to a Microsoft .NET Framework common runtime language (CLR) method. Procedures resemble constructs in other programming languages because they can:...
When SELECT and VIEW DEFINITION permissions are granted to another user, the grantee can view all dependencies in the database.How to View the Dependencies of a Stored ProcedureYou can use one of the following:SQL Server Management Studio Transact-SQL ...
Within the <functions> element are <function> elements, each of which defines the signature of a stored procedure. You can define one or more stored procedures in a single SQL Call Description File.Schema Definition File for SQL Call Description FileThe following is the schema definition file ...
stored procedure A precompiled collection of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name and processed as a unit. Stored procedures are stored in an SQL database such as Microsoft SQL Server, usually on a server; can be run with one call from an application; an...
存储过程(Stored Procedure),计算机用语,是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,是利用SQL Server所提供的Transact-SQL语言所编写的程序。经编译后存储在数据库中。存储过程是数据库中的一个重要对象,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来执行它。存储过程是由流控制和SQL语句书写的过程,这个过...
要定义一个方法存储过程,只需定义一个类方法并设置其SqlProc关键字。Class MyApp.Person Extends %Persistent [DdlAllowed] { /// This procedure finds total sales for a territory ClassMethod FindTotal(territory As %String) As %Integer [SqlProc] { // use embedded sql to find total sales &sql...
How to create stored procedure programatically in sql-server using c# How to create template in excel based report using c#? how to create unique id generation automatically How To Create URL Rewrite In ASP.NET C# using MVC #? how to create zip from memorystream and download it How to debu...
When an application that runs on a workstation calls a stored procedure on a Db2 server, the stored procedure updates a table based on the information that it receives from the application.