managed_standby视图确定是否关闭 SQL> ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE CANCEL; 2.确定备库scn 这是为了确定增量备份从哪个...datafile_header where file# not in (select file# from v$datafile where enabled = 'READ ONLY'); 3.主库增量备份...DATABASE FORMAT '/tmp/ForStandby_%U' ...
Store multiple items in the cache for a given number of seconds. from RetrievesMultipleKeys void __construct(ConnectionInterface $connection, string $table, string $prefix = '') Create a new database store. mixed get(string|array $key) Retrieve an item from the cache by key. bool ...
laravel will know that the contact belongs to the customer and insert the correct Id But you seem to be passing the customer id as a json array[{"id":1})instead of an integer id So the problem is probably stemming from your front end not sending the right data In the $customer->cont...
=> null, 'connection' => null, ], 'redis' => [ 'type' => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsRepositories\RedisSettingsRepository::class, 'connection' => null, 'prefix' => null, ], ], /* * The encoder and decoder will determine how settings are stored and * retrieved in the database....
Database Debug Encryption Events Filesystem Foundation Hashing Http Mail Notifications Pagination Pipeline Process Queue Redis Routing Session Support Translation Validation View Cookie Middleware CookieJar CookieServiceProvider CookieValuePrefix Database Capsule Concerns Connectors Console Eloquent Events Migrations ...
Then you just save the ids Or explain a bit more about the data 0 Level 1 jetzas OP Posted 2 years ago @sinnbeck , this data i get from API and i need to save 0 Laracasts Elite Hall of Fame Sinnbeck Posted ...
datastorage memory store laravel data mark.broersen published4.0.3•10 months agopublished version4.0.3,10 months ago M Q P Maintenance: 30%.Quality: 63%.Popularity: 2%. @seneca/browser-store Seneca browwer storage plugin. seneca plugin ...
Moreover, we will build a very basic admin panel (for testing purposes only), with a feature that allows us to search for an email or a phone in the database, even if they are encrypted. Before starting, I am assuming here that you are not using Laravel or any other ...
=> null, 'connection' => null, ], 'redis' => [ 'type' => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsRepositories\RedisSettingsRepository::class, 'connection' => null, 'prefix' => null, ], ], /* * The encoder and decoder will determine how settings are stored and * retrieved in the database....