Check the link:, February 20, 2020 11:32 AMThis is how I add data in my sqlite database using sqlite-net-pcl`复制 var db = new SQLiteConnection(_dbPath); //add db.CreateTable<SpeechRec...
I found the keystore files at /Users/[username]/Library/Developer/Xamarin/Keystore/ in my MAC using keystore explorer. How can I export or save the keystore files from here? Copy/paste, drag and drop and export options are not working....
I found the keystore files at /Users/[username]/Library/Developer/Xamarin/Keystore/ in my MAC using keystore explorer. How can I export or save the keystore files from here? Copy/paste, drag and drop and export options are not working....
Also tried using the ShouldRequestIntercept Method of WebViewClient in Android but i am not sure how to get the form data from the post request. Can anybody help? I need this for Android and iOS both.Thanks in advance.All replies (2)...
Reg. the option you suggested, if I store the encrypted data in SQLite db, I would also need a decryption logic in my app which is definitely part of my source code. And if someone can reverse engineered it, it can easily be identified as I'm deploying the DB also with the app. ...