storage.tsdb.retention 指定了数据保存的时长,这里我用了 30d 表示我保留30天的数据 config.file 指定了配置文件的路径 storage.tsdb.path 指定了数据的保存路径,必须我们不希望万一 Prometheus Server Pod 挂掉重启,数据丢失 web.enable-lifecycle 这个比较有意思,加了这个参数我们可以在修改 config.file 内容后,通过...
省略其他配置 ... # 更改数据目录 storage: tsdb: path: /new/path/to/prometheus/data 更改配置后,重启Prometheus服务: bash systemctl restart prometheus 按照这些步骤操作后,你的问题应该能够得到解决。如果问题仍然存在,请仔细检查所有步骤,并确保没有遗漏任何配置或权限问题。
We also faced similar issue with 2.3.2 .We had to move the data from existing path mentioned under storage.tsdb.path to a new location and restart prometheus had the same issue after killing Prometheus. i've removed all *.tmp and all the directories which reported in the log .<ulid: ...
Crashing on startup after moving to 2.4.0 Bug Report What did you do? Prometheus version: 2.4.0 Prometheus configuration file: args: - '--config.file=/config/prometheus.yml' - '--storage.tsdb.path=/data' - '--storage.tsdb.retention=90d' ...
storage_config:aws:# Note: use a fully qualified domain name (fqdn), like localhost.# full example: http://loki:supersecret@localhost.:9000s3:http://<username>:<secret>@<fqdn>:<port>s3forcepathstyle:truetsdb_shipper:active_index_directory:/loki/indexcache_location:/loki/index_cachecache_...
sidecar--prometheus.url= --grpc-address=[$(POD_IP)]:10901 --http-address=[$(POD_IP)]:10902--objstore.config=$(OBJSTORE_CONFIG)--log.level=info--log.format=logfmt State: Running
The data path of DADI is shown in the figure below. Below the dotted line is the kernel state, and above the dotted line is the user state. DADI abstracts the image as a virtual block device, and mounts a conventional file system such as ext4 on the container application. When the user...
2.EasyTSDB API🔗 3.EasyFlashStorage API🔗 4.EasyTempStorage API🔗 5.Storage API🔗 Readme Keywords zeppos Zepp OS storage easy-storage data persistence local storage session storage timeseries database tsdb Package Sidebar Install npm i@silver-zepp/easy-storage ...
Veritas Storage Foundation for DB2 VRTSdbac VRTSdbac No change. Veritas Oracle Real Application Cluster Support Package VRTSdbcom VRTSdbed Consolidated into VRTSdbed. Veritas Storage Foundation Common Utilities for Databases VRTSdbdoc N/A Obsolete in 5.0MP3. Veritas Storage Foundation Documentation ...
Drill是一个交互式SQL查询引擎,官方默认支持的数据源有hive、hbase、kafka、kudu、mongo、opentsdb、jdbc等,其中jdbc storage plugin可以覆盖所有支持jdbc协议的数据源,如:mysql、oracle等关系型数据库。所有数据源的接入都是通过drill的storage plugin实现的,理论上Drill通过storage plugin机制可以支持对任何数据源进行异构...