虽然磁盘清理工具并没有像微软之前宣布的那样在Windows 11/10中消失或被删除,但该公司正在将其功能转移到Storage Sense。这方面的最新变化可以在Windows 11开发版中看到,微软已经将驱动器属性对话框中的磁盘清理选项替换为“存储使用情况”按钮,以便在用户中进一步提高Storage Sense功能的使用率。 经典的"磁盘清理"是Win...
虽然磁盘清理工具并没有像微软之前宣布的那样在Windows 11/10中消失或被删除,但该公司正在将其功能转移到Storage Sense。 虽然磁盘清理工具并没有像微软之前宣布的那样在Windows 11/10中消失或被删除,但该公司正在将其功能转移到Storage Sense。这方面的最新变化可以在Windows 11开发版中看到,微软已经将驱动器属性对话...
如果希望存储感知更主动地将 OneDrive 文件设置为仅联机,在"本地可用的云内容"标题下,更改下拉菜单中的默认值。 例如,如果选择每周运行"存储感知"并选择"文件按需"的 14 天窗口,则存储感知将每周运行一次,并识别过去 14 天内未使用的文件,使这些文件仅联机可用。
Storage Sense can automatically free up drive space for you by getting rid of items that you don't need, like temporary files and items in your Recycle Bin. Here’s more info on how it works and how to set it up to meet your needs. If Storage Sense is turned on with the d...
Turn on Storage Sense in Storage Settings Here, you can turn Storage Sense on by clicking the toggle button. Any files that you have not used, in the last 30 days, will be eligible for dehydration when your device runs low on free space. Storage Sense will only dehydrate files until ther...
WinV - Windows 10 hardware dev ShowHighestSpeed3GPreferred - Windows 10 hardware dev ShowWifiCallingError - Windows 10 hardware dev IOCTL_LINE_DISPLAY_DEFINE_GLYPH control code - Windows 10 hardware dev DataSense - Windows 10 hardware dev UnattendedJoin - Windows 10 hardware dev MOCloudMessageEnabl...
每一個預先定義的集合都會對應到特定的開發風格並決定視窗配置,編輯器行為,IntelliSense 程式程片段以及對話盒選項等。本實驗的程序會描述當在 General Development Settings(一般開發工作)集合中,在 Visual Studio 完成某些工作所需要的動作。如果您為您的開發環境選擇了不同的設定,那麼您就需要自行注意在程序中的部份...
WinV - Windows 10 hardware dev ShowHighestSpeed3GPreferred - Windows 10 hardware dev ShowWifiCallingError - Windows 10 hardware dev IOCTL_LINE_DISPLAY_DEFINE_GLYPH control code - Windows 10 hardware dev DataSense - Windows 10 hardware dev UnattendedJoin - Windows 10 hardware dev MOCloudMessageEnabl...
I just received Win 10 Pro 1809. I get repeated popup notifications that I should turn on Storage Sense. How can I stop these? Storage Sense was already on. I just turned it off - but it still says it will run automatically when space is low - do we have no control over this?